Java vs C++
Java and C++ are both object oriented programming languages. Software applications are developed using these applications. Applications based on E-commerce are developed using Java language while C++ language is used towards development of system software.
Java is an object oriented programming language. In 1990s, it was developed by Sun Microsystems. Although, this language was mainly designed for the development of Applets that are small applications that run on the browser but later on it is also used to developed applications based on e-commerce.
Following are the features of Java programming language:
• Secure execution of the code from a remote server.
• The code written in Java can run on different platforms or it is platform independent.
• Built-in support for computer networks.
• Allows flexible development of software applications because modular or object oriented approach.
• Java language includes all the best features of other programming languages which make its use easier as compared to other programming languages.
Another important feature of this language is the way it handles the memory. It supports automatic memory management rather than manual memory management. Automatic memory management means that automatic garbage collection is implemented in Java so that programmers need not to worry about freeing the memory. However, according to some programmers, more memory is consumed by Java language as compared to other programming languages such as C and C++.
C++ is a high level object oriented programming language. Among all programming languages, C++ is the most commonly used. It is termed as the enhanced version of C language and it was also developed at Bell Laboratories. Features like virtual functions, operator overloading, templates and classes are supported by C++. This language also introduced the concept of multiple inheritances as well as exception handling. More type checking is available in C++ as compared to C language.
C++ includes all the main features that were present in C language. Even the compliers in C++ are able to run the code which is written in C language. But there may be some that may not be able to execute in C++.
The C++ language was mainly designed for the UNIX operating system. C++ also allows code reusability. It means that programmers can easily modify the code without changing it. It also provides portability that means it does not require specific hardware and operating system.
C++ language also introduced the concept of classes. By using classes, the written code can be organized easily. Classes also help in removal and correction of bugs in an easier manner.
Difference between Java and C++ language: • According to some experts, Java is pure object oriented programming language while C++ is object based programming language. • The code written in Java can run on different platforms whereas this not possible with C++. • Java is mainly used for developed applets and e-commerce based applications while C++ is used for developing system software. |
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