Bangladesh Air Force Mig-21(F-7) Light Gray camo

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DCS World 2.7

Bangladesh Air Force Mig-21(F-7) Light Gray camo

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - mirza_ashik
Date - 05/08/2021 12:15:55
Bangladesh Air Force operate 42 F-7BG/MB variant, which is Chinese licensed Upgraded copy of Mig-21.
Extract downloaded file and place it to DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21bis\Liveries\MiG-21Bis

Bangladesh Air Force operate 42 F-7BG/MB variant, which is Chinese licensed Upgraded copy of Mig-21.
Extract downloaded file and place it to DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21bis\Liveries\MiG-21Bis
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 23.41 Mb
  • Downloaded: 181
  • Comments: 1