VF-111 SUNDOWNERS F-14A 211 Buno 160624 (V2 Helmet Rough Fix)

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VF-111 SUNDOWNERS F-14A 211 Buno 160624 (V2 Helmet Rough Fix)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - MaximusRZ
Date - 12/13/2022 23:46:24
VF-111 SUNDOWNERS F-14A NL 211 Buno 160624 (1990) (Iconic Poster!!)

V2 Helmet Rough Fix

Surely if you are as old as I am, before the internet to know about airplanes we had to buy magazines and books, if you are one of those you will surely recognize the picture.

Pilots with custom helmets and flight suits with squadron patches.

Thanks to @Yae Sakura for his help with the details, specially the tailhook.
you can see her excellent work here https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/filter/user-is-_YaeSakura_/apply/

Credits to the author of the painting, I searched in several versions but I couldn't find the name of the artist, thanks for his excellent work.

If you want some custom work contact me on my Discord (-_Max_-#5353) or Instagram Maximus_RZ

If you want to collaborate in Paypal I will be very grateful! everything helps!
[email protected]

Seguramente si usted es tan viejo como yo, antes de internet para saber de aviones teniamos que comprar revistas y libros, si usted es uno de esos seguramente reconocera la imagen.

Pilotos con cascos personalizados y buzos de vuelo con los parches del escuadron

Agradezco a @Yae Sakura por su ayuda con los detalles, especialmete el gancho de cola
puedes ver su excelente trabajo aqui https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/filter/user-is-_YaeSakura_/apply/

Creditos al autor del dibujo, busque en varias versiones pero no pude dar con el nombre del artista, gracias por su excelente trabajo

Si quiere algun trabajo personalizado contacteme en mi (-_Max_-#5353) o Instagram Maximus_RZ

Si desea colaborar en Paypal estare muy agradecido! todo ayuda!
[email protected]
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 190.47 Mb
  • Downloaded: 674
  • Comments: 5
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