TPT Pumps are ideal for laboratory, processing, pH control, nutrient dosing, environmental sampling functions, R&D, aggressive fluids, and OEM applications.
Design Features
4 roller aluminum pump head
Cast bronze self-lubricating rollers
Continuous duty 24 VDC brush style gear motor with internal permanent magnet
CW-OFF-CCW switch
Safety shield to prevent finger contact with moving parts
Lightweight 3.5 pounds
Compact 5" x 4" footprint
Tubing Loops of different materials and sizes including fittings are available
Manual or pre-set Counter feature indicates the number of revolutions. (not included)
Aalborg’s TPT, TPU and TPV model peristaltic pumps are designed for safety and long tubing life. They are economical,easy to load, sturdy, and compact for a small footprint. Designed for use with liquids of widely diverse viscosities,they are suitable for laboratory, processing, and OEM applications, including fuel with the appropriate tubing.
Principle of Operation
Flexible tubing, which conveys fluid from source to destination, is squeezed inside the pump head by rotating rollersagainst a rigid, crescent-shaped Occlusion Wall. The rollers induce suction in a pulsing rhythm. TPT and TPU modelsoffer adjustable occlusion for increased pressure, or decreased pressure to extend tubing life.
TPU and TPV pumps are comprised of front panels with controls, pump heads, motors, rigid cases with rubber feet andhandles. The moveable handles are practical for carrying the pump, lifting and angling the pump face plate, and makingthe controls more user accessible.