You Probably Won't Be Able to Guess How Many Holes This Shirt Actually Has in It

Published April 10 2023, 4:45 p.m. ET
Every once in a while, the internet is captivated by what appears to be the most simple of riddles. Whether it be a game of words or simply defining whether a dress is blue and black or white and gold, millions of us get caught up in these simple mind games on a daily basis.
In 2023, the latest and greatest riddle to captivate people online's attention is one from BRIGHT SIDE which challenges you to identify how many holes a shirt has. So, what is the answer?
How many holes does the shirt have in the BRIGHT SIDE riddle?
When you look at the simple drawing of a tattered plain white t-shirt, your brain immediately assumes that it will be simple and straightforward to identify the (clearly visible) holes in it. However, BRIGHT SIDE is challenging its users to do some serious critical thinking here about what is defined as a "hole" in the garment. Believe it or not, they claim that only 17% of people can solve the riddle correctly.
Naturally upon first glance anyone will notice two major holes in the chest of the shirt, bringing the count to two. However, a t-shirt isn't just one layer of material, and we can clearly see that the holes extend all the way through the shirt's back material, so technically those two holes are four holes.
With that established, one has to think about all of the holes required on a t-shirt. We're talking arm holes and a head hole, of course! The addition of those three holes brings the total count on the shirt to seven. But we're still not done there.
Who could forget the most important hole of them all: the one at the bottom needed to even get the shirt on to your body! With that, the total count of holes is up to eight, six more than BRIGHT SIDE attempted to trick you into believing there were.