toilet connection into soil pipe

14 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom
Hi All

I have just pulled out the toilet in my bathroom upstairs and the toilet was just pushed straight into the soil stack with no pan connector. I am replacing the toilet with a new one and am thinking although the old toilet never leaked will the new one leak if I just push it straight into the soil pipe without a pan connector? The other issue is when I put the pan connector on the back of the toilet it then sits away from the wall about 2inch's. is there a connector or seal I can put around the toilet waste if I can't just push it into the stack?
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Is the soil pipe plastic. And how far does it protrude from the wall ? You may be able to cut off a couple of inches to accommodate a pan connector. Without a pan connector you wont get a water / air tight seal.
Check the spigot on the new pan for roundness before fitting, so many are oval nowadays.
The soil pipe is grey plastic and the toilet was pushed into a branch t piece. the soil pipe runs alongside the inside wall in boxing so there is no space to move it back as its already flush to the wall.
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If it is a close coupled wc that you intend to fit ,then most likely the cistern back wont reach the wall ,but you could pack out behind it.
If you want to fit a low level wc/ cistern, where the flush pipe joins the two ,then you Will be ok.
Ps the " T" is a fitting ,which a pipe goes into. The internal diameter of the fitting is therefore greater than that of the pipe ,and pan connectors are sized to fit the pipe ,not the fitting. So insert a small piece of soil pipe into the T.
You'd be surprised about how many pans are exactly like that on new builds. These are brand new CC pans too .... they set the horizontal soil runs at just the right height (around 180mm ish) and as long as the toilet spigot fits square and snug into the branch (range from 100mm to 110mm dia) then it's actually fine as the seal can take up quite a gap.

OP .... that looks like a newish soil pipe with a clean seal and as long as you get a good resistance when pushing the pan back into that branch then it should be fine, a little silicone grease just to condition the seal would go well too. Just choose a pan with the same height of spigot centre as the soil pipe and as close as and up to 110mm dia as you can get it.
You'd be surprised about how many pans are exactly like that on new builds. These are brand new CC pans too .... they set the horizontal soil runs at just the right height (around 180mm ish) and as long as the toilet spigot fits square and snug into the branch (range from 100mm to 110mm dia) then it's actually fine as the seal can take up quite a gap.

Wow, really? Not seen that done first hand yet... Wouldn't like to trust that for longevity. Especially when changing pan 10 years hence. :eek:
They should make them all like that. I don’t like pan connectors.
You used to be able to get a larger seal that replaced the rubber washer in a soil fitting so the pan could fit without a pan connector, or what about those heat shrink seals they used to have, now im showing my age!

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