34 Best Movies On Netflix Australia Right Now

A definitive guide to the best movies on Netflix Australia.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET. Margot Robbie as Naomi Lapaglia and Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort

Image: Paramount Pictures

Best Netflix Movies streaming right nowNetflix Australia is quite literally inundated with a selection of some of the best movies to ever be released. Because there is such an endless selection, finding the absolute best movies on Netflix Australia to stream is no easy task.

So, when you’re in the mood for a movie — and you actually want to watch it; it’s not a ‘Netflix and chill’ situation — but have no idea what to watch, we’ve done the hard work for you.

Whether you love comedy movies or prefer gritty thriller movies, the following Netflix Australia films available to stream right now are so good you won’t even be tempted to scroll through your phone once you hit play.

So, put your popcorn in the microwave, grab yourself a beer, and then enjoy one of the Best Movies on Netflix Australia.
