Keys to Deliverance and Freedom in Christ

Keys to Freedom and Deliverance in Christ

There is freedom and deliverance in Christ from all things that come against you! Use these keys to obtain the life you were meant to live!

I was pondering how we as Christians obtain and remain in the freedom Christ died for us to live in, and the Lord said, “Go on your walk, I want to talk to you.”

Part of the path I walk goes through a low-lying woodsy, swampy area, which many times is swarming with mosquitos.

Near the end of my walk, I came to this woodsy area. I was walking fast through this section, and even though it had stormed the night before, I wasn’t bothered by the mosquitos.

Then I stopped for a second to look at a plant, and the mosquitos swarmed me. So, I quickly picked up my pace again.

The Lord began to say, “When you stop going forward with me, the enemy begins to swarm you too. Those mosquitos keep you going toward your destination.”

Then He reminded me of the sheepdog. The sheepdog herds the sheep to keep them going in the right direction to follow the shepherd.

And while the Lord doesn’t send evil, He can use the enemy to keep herding us toward Himself!

This causes us to stop and think differently about our troubles.

God uses the enemy to drive us to seek more of Him! and to bring us freedom and deliverance! and to heal our old ways of thinking.

What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord will turn for good!

You see, our Lord wants a deeper relationship with us, His children! He wants to be with us and talk to us.

And the more we are in His presence, the more freedom we obtain.

So, Don’t Get Distracted

We can get distracted by many different things in life like I got distracted on my walk.

These distractions may or may not be evil in and of themselves, but they can open the door for the enemy to hinder you.

The enemy has been trying to sabotage your life since before you were born!

When we begin this Christian journey we begin an ongoing process of healing, and we still have unbelieving, unhealed places in our hearts and minds.

Sometimes we unknowingly step into his trap which stalls our forward progress and gives him open-door access to our lives.

Because we live in a fallen and sinful culture, sometimes we unknowingly accept ways and things that are opposite to God’s plans.

So, Are You Stuck or Experiencing Harassment?

Besides the things you already know to do, here are a few keys to regaining your freedom and momentum.

The enemy can gain access to cause havoc in our lives in a variety of ways including:

The lies we believe, fears, addictions, ungodly relationships, unresolved jealousy, unresolved anger, unforgiveness, manipulative relationships, generational curses (sins of our mothers and fathers), demonic games, movies, or objects, pornography, abuse, etc.

This Christian journey is a life of growing in our faith to dispel the works of darkness in our lives and the world.

Keys to Freedom and Deliverance in Christ

1. Learn to Execute Your Authority as a Royal Child of God

There is freedom and deliverance in Christ
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21

The words you speak are powerful! The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21).

Because we have resurrection life (Jesus) living in us, we can speak resurrection life as well!

We learn to execute our God-given authority as a child of the Most High God by the words we speak and the prayers we pray.

We can practice growing in faith in God’s words, and then we can speak life into dead parts of our life, and others as well.

So, speak encouragement instead of discouragement (to yourself and others).

Speak opportunity instead of negativity; sympathy instead of anger.

Kindness instead of cruelty; Encouragement instead of doubt and fear. Speak love!

We exercise our authority in Christ with our words and prayers.

God’s Word can be spoken like a sword to cut down the plots and plans of the enemy.

Our words can open us up or close the door on opposition from the enemy!

Begin to notice the words you speak, for we will give an account to God for every idle word, and ask God to give you His words!

We can speak God’s Words to obtain freedom and deliverance in Christ!

?We also have the spiritual weapons of prayer, the Bible, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, binding and loosing, forgiveness, fasting, blessings, rest, praise, worship, loving actions, decrees, etc.

2. Renounce Anything Against God’s Ways

Because God gives each of us free will, it is important we set our will against the works of darkness in our lives.

We must say, “No!” and decide we have had enough and will not tolerate the plots and plans of the enemy!

We must set our will against them, renounce them, and tell the enemy to go!

When we renounce these things, the demonic loses its legal access.

When we renounce evil, it reverses the curses and unlocks the chains of bondage.

Then the enemy must leave when you tell him to go (James 4:7).

3. Depend on The Power of the Anointing for Freedom and Deliverance

Sometimes we are stuck enough that we need help getting pulled out of the muck.

Sometimes we need to find others who minister in the anointing to help us. For God gives gifts of healing and power to people in the body of Christ for the edification of all of us.

The anointing is Jesus coming in power through a human vessel to break the yokes of bondage off His people (Isa 10:27).

We all need times of refreshing where the anointing is flowing to sit and soak for a while to break off the hurts and attacks of the enemy.

The Bible also tells us,

“The anointing which you received from Him abides in you. . . His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie” (1 John 2:27).

The following action steps build on this Scripture and are powerful keys for freedom right here and now.

Any believer can grow in this area.

You have the anointing in you to break the enemy’s plots and plans against your life!

Action Steps for Deliverance and Freedom:

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show you places you need to deal with.
  • Say out loud, “I renounce________.” I forgive _______ and I ask forgiveness for ______.
  • Say, “Enemy I command you to leave me.
  • Jesus, I ask you to come and heal __________.

Stay in these steps until you feel peace, love, joy, and freedom!

If you need help, get help, but don’t stop on your path to complete freedom, deliverance, and healing in every area of your life!

Freedom and deliverance are yours in Christ!

Keep moving forward friends! Don’t get distracted!

Your troubles are merely steppingstones to lead you to more of God’s love and the abundance of the life He has for you!

Related Resources:

7 Keys to Take Authority Over Your Thoughts for Spiritual Growth: Find freedom from negative thinking & take authority over your thoughts. Learn 7 practical keys to renew your mind for peace, love, & joy.

7 Things That Hinder Seeing Myself Like God Sees Me: How does God see you? Because we live in a sin-soaked world many things can hinder us from seeing ourselves as God sees us.

Keeping the Snakes Away: Emotional Healing & Spiritual Growth

Faith to Move Mountains When You Feel Small: Be inspired in faith to move mountains, even if you feel small or buried under mountains of muck.

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