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Page 194 text:
Gloriann Sara Terry Sara lanne Salakan Karen Samson Kimberly Sanaghan Christine Sanasardo Adriana Sanchez Eugenia Sansosti Tina Santoro Richard Sapitro loseph Scaccia Andrea Schaeler Amy Schawbel Danny Schett '- Todd Schmied Chanda Scholinski Laura Scholle Kevin Schrieber Christopher Schrietels Deonna Schulte Charles Schwarz Kristina Schweitzer Michelle Schwind Beth Seiferheld Clarice Selsor Karen Serauskas George Sertzel Fetiie Shabanosln Ami Shah Denice Sharp Scott Shell Tricia Shepeck Patrick Shepherd Michelle Short John Shutak Aimee Sibal Eric Siegel Cheryl Simms Anthony Sims Laura Singel Vicky Singh Allen Singley layne Sipiera Kolleen Sittner Todd Skarr Thomas Sklena lames Slavich lenniler Smiley lettrey Smith Michelle Smith Lane Soelberg Connie Soga Tammy Spickerman Nicole, Springer Andre Springfield Scott Squires Karin Stash Lynda Stanek Susan Stanger Carrie Stansbeary David Starr lenniler Stasch Gerald Staszewski 1901 Sophomores ik ala -nn ig ' adidas gf!! X 2 ff ',,y x ' 'W even crutches can prevent this student from seeing his counselor. 'awww ...nw me , - L ,,,, , W 1 IQ! at 3 f ag 1 W2 I mme, 5 ..,, .,,, 5 E if W Z v
Page 193 text:
. t s 'i x x T X s sg sc 1 . A PS 'sa- he f., ,11 45 3' 'lik he was ,ff Art class is a time of relaxation for this sophomore. A s A an an Q3 ' 4 x ff' SP5 X J!! QQ Sv 1 ,. fest R K gc mi .A lag 3: se ss z A 4 ug K -4 K vi ,QL 45' ...T ix ci Noe at yr? ,N sv Tamara Ostick lennifer Paido Dennis Parescki Pamela Pafkash Andrea Parmer Stephanie Parochka Thomas Parr Michael Parsons Eugenio Passarelli Kirtedaben Patel Hetal Patel Shirishkumar Patel Scott Paul Michael Pavlick Kimberly Pearce loseph Pelletier Matthew Peterson Fred Petroski David Pierce Brian Pietrucha Evamarie Pilipuf Tammy Piotrowski Andrew Poczos Lisa Polak Michael Pondel Kimberly Portalatin Wendy Potocnic Sean Price Tammy Prondzinski lefl Raebel Mary Rank Helen Raschke Annette Rausch William Rawlings Romarus Reaves Mark Redeker Heather Reidy Darlene Reilly Phillip Rekas Scott Rettberg Marciala Reyes Elizabeth Reyna Shannon Rielly Kristin Riess Troy Ristow Michelle Robertson America Rodriguez Holly Rogala Mark Rogalla Stephen Rogers Thomas Rogers Patricia Rojek Aida Roldan Dion Romano Melissa Rooney Rene Ross Christopher Rouille Walter Roy lulie Ruehl Florence Ruiz Angela Rush Michael Saenz Sophomores! 189
Page 195 text:
Scott Staver Karen Stemler Keith Stevenson Shannon Stone leanne Storm lacqueline Strobel loseph Struit Sandra Strylewski Raymond Stump William Surles Natees Syeda Scott Szurgot Renata Szymski lenniler Taccini Susan Tarson Sonya Teamer Kelly Thompson Christopher Tiedeman Marc Tintner lames Trttiung Paul Tomsic Elyse Tortorice Corey Tracy Todd Tracy lames Traweek Shibani Tripathi Deborah Truiillo David Turnbull lean Tutt Reshma Uddin lim Uddin Denise Udseth Ulysses Umanos Loretta Vaas lames Vanacora Lorraine Van Cott Jimmy Vandergrift Brian Van Der Weele Angel Vanquez Kristi Ventura Russell Verrier Patty Vonderheide Anne Walter Mark Waters Sherri Werner Robert Werner lohn Wesloslii Eric White Marc White Steven White Christopher Widlund Sharon Wiese Richard Williams Tiffany Williams Jonathon Wilson Dianne Winter Gail Wrsniewski David Woicili Thomas Wolek Michael Wood Corinna Wu Peter Wurdinger lill lager lames Zarnick lames Zellio Charles Zenkus Lisa Ziegler Jamie Zylstra Sophomores! 191
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