Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO)

 - Class of 1965

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Page 72 text:

ANNUALSTAFF Rebecca Overman Co-Editor Betty Bissell Editor Diane Thomas Layout Editor Bennie Stockwell Typist Charles Siegel Business Manager Melva Gorham, Betty Bissell, Miss Williams, Sponsor; Charles Siegel, Dean Smith, Rebecca Overman, Bennie Stockwell, Sherry Dickey, Diane Thomas. Sherry Dickey Copy Editor 68 Melva Gorham Art Editor Dean Smith Sports Editor

Page 71 text:

DRAMATICS CLUB FRONT ROW, Left to Right: Barbara Russell, Marcia Alberty, Mrs. Rob- ertson, Sponsor, Billie Ricketts, Sandra Tackett. SECOND ROW: Vicki Shelton, Georgia Seay, Debbie Eliot, Kathy McKown, Tanja Duncan, Sherry Dickey, Yvonne Robichaux, Donna Piburn, Mary McCullough, Shannon Mo- ran, Sally-Anne Teale, Penny McCain, Betty Bissell. THIRD ROW: Joan Ellet, Sharon Watkins, Sharon Mason, Mary Allen, Gail Nance, Linda Green, Sue Taylor, Linda Hutton, Kay Green, Diane Isom, Linda Payne, Cheryl Moss, Jo Plourd, John Searcy. FOPRTH ROW: Mick Wiley, Trudie Collet, Helen Duvall, John Clevenger, Gilda Welch, Sandy Thomas, Mike Reeder, Bob Luke, Shirley Foster, John Hinnah, Larry Fulderson. RENDEZVOUS CLUB FRONT ROW, Left to Right: Kathy McKown, Yvonne Robichaux, Sponsor, Larry Shulenberg, Helen Duvall, Linda Green. SECOND ROW: Kathy Moore, Connie Miller, Shannon Morgan, Sherry Dickey, Hansine Swafford, Betty Bissell, Barbara Russell. THIRD ROW: Ruth Duvall, Sharon Mason, Sandy Guy, Janice Murray, Debbie Eliot, Sharon Watkins, Jo Plourd. 67

Page 73 text:

nmg tine. It is k • Here it with a reeling To ma all actuality, thi ladder and on to start all over It is a tin However, at the st which brings us to wonder just how m is to deny yourself while you swear to never do thi For business men anti w if someone in your family take This is a time of remini the door on the old year ii it brings them a little closer to th- in a new year anti feel that it For those seniors who ai the seven semester grades are iss Yes. there are many dif across the threshold willingly • out to be your best year yet. Ohio State Taken On January 13th, 164 seniors took the annual senior test, the Ohio State University Psycholo- gical Examination. The test has to fee or date can C. Notes made those fated earn Mash Minutemen The Baby Bengal rolled toy their fifth straight victory by beating Lexington 33-20 on our | own home field. Gary Kindred scored two touchdowns while Terry Ellett scored one and kicked three extra points. Rich- ard Mordue and Gerry McKown each had six points to their1 credit. Mordue’s touchdown came on a pass from Tim Hyder. Baby Bengal lost their first game of the season, tied the sec- ond, and then went on to win five straight. Watch out for these fine underclassmen who will be leading our 1965 team, The meeting of November 2 was called to order by the Presi- over a new leaf frequently. ient. The Secretary read the referred to as a resolution” minutes of the last meeting and promises to yourself yet? I they were approved. The Treas- I he only way to play safeUre; reported that the Council’s or keep your fingers crossed balance was $723.66. Bob Walsh reported on prog- • »• I Vt.SLk. TIGER TALES Published Bi-Weekly by the Excelsior Springs High School Excelsior Springs, Missouri EDITORI Editors ... ............... News Editors Feature Editor Sports Editors Photographer ............. Special Reporters Artists Sponsor .............. — L STAFF Judy Dixon, Kathie Flannery Sandra Craven, Trudie Collet Jeanelle Jones, Helen Duvall Bob Walsh, Jack O’Dell ................. Mike Todd Paula Dillman, Susie Duncan, Joyce McNeely Dannie Flannery, Cheryl White Mr. Schulenberg Once more Sam uses the quick pin he is no Mineral Water Bowl On November 28, Roosevelt field, the home ol our .•nee Champion Tigers, will again this year be mall college teams in the Mineral Water Bo« T he Excelsior Springs Quarterly '1' this year to make this the b'r’ lory. Their teams a Should You Go To Colle For the past ten years, the pressure has l cen for e to go on for higher education—ami still is to some extc now, more than ever, many are asking, Why go to col There are many reasons that jjeoplc want to att lege. Some of them are good reasons; some arc not T he question ol attending college or not is a cl iff ic T he way in which you deckle may play a big part in velopment as a jjerson, your work choice, your mate, turc interests, your friends, and the place in which attend college. Not everyone should go to college. T hose who fitted—by talents, abilities, and interests—for vocat quiring specialized training are among this group. Alsc ed in this group are those whose high school grades siderably low, those who hate to study and read, the scholastic ratings and college aptitude stores indicat ability to do college work, and those who definitely do to go. take hold, analyze himsc le answer to the c that not e Cion 1 .S. t row »y ver As are ex Rafer Bass, zou; and Now a men in » a-».-i. True, when shy or unconfident younsr people are exposed to al- coholic beverages they will most probably become less shy and say and do things which are not at all like their usual actions. It is amazing that these persons cannot see that this way out of bring themselves is totallly wrong and may lead to real dis- aster. It has been shown many times in many ways that people, especially inexperienced young adults, can and do come to de- pend on drinking for courage to Ih what they think they wish they were. Tigers Smash 80-60 the 8th of January, Bouncers beat the ats at Slater by a ime lead of only gers came back to to the lead, lacking the serv- Tynn and Bob t-rebounded by O’Dell, Allen Tietjen, and d over 10 re- s. shooting of Kenny Tiet- in front Stephens rebounds, s and 14 ,• Slater 12th of 69

Suggestions in the Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) collection:

Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1962 Edition, Page 1


Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1963 Edition, Page 1


Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1964 Edition, Page 1


Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1966 Edition, Page 1


Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1969 Edition, Page 1


Excelsior Springs High School - Tiger Yearbook (Excelsior Springs, MO) online collection, 1970 Edition, Page 1


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