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"Many are told it will improve with age, or that simple taping will work, when in fact the opposite is true. Odd-shaped ears ... should be splinted.”
"After being told she would need surgery to correct it we are thrilled with the results."
“I will be forever grateful, from 1 very happy 1st time mummy :)"
“I feel happy that Charlie can grow up without being self conscious of her ears.”
"... an effective splinting programme could consign the surgical correction of all but the most severe ear deformities to the past.”
“You saved my baby from some future insecurities and saved us thousands of dollars in plastic surgery!!!”
"Splintage is a simple, safe and non-invasive procedure for the correction of prominent ears.”
"You can see the results after just one month!"
"Early splinting ... proven to be successful but the opportunity to splint is frequently missed due to lack of awareness amongst healthcare personnel.”
"Your product is effective, easy to use and was really well tolerated by our new born son."