Though we reach for them on store refrigerator aisles, these cultured dairy products are remarkably easy to make.
For yogurt, 16oz milk.
For sour cream, 16oz heavy cream
Starter for both will be about 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Good starter culture is key and heirloom starters work best. I am always happy to share my many-year-old heirloom starter culture.
Bring dairy close to a boil, then cool until just warm to touch, but not too hot (~110°F). Transfer to a glass container. Add 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt starter. Seal with a lid and let stand overnight. Then move to the fridge and let it sit for another 6 to 8 hrs. You will have perfect yogurt or sour cream! Refrigerate. It will last 7-10 days. It doesn’t go bad after that, but may get too sour. If that happens, you can mix the sour yogurt with water, salt and spices of your liking, and make a refreshing drink.
Gagan Maur founded the North Dallas Fermentation Enthusiast Meetup Group.
- Gagan Maurhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/gaganmaur/
- Gagan Maurhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/gaganmaur/