
I'm an associate professor in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at the University of Delaware. My general research area is software engineering. More specifically, I focus on helping developers find and fix bugs.

Currently, I'm working on projects to:

  • help software developers write energy-efficient applications
  • help software testers write high-quality, durable tests
  • improve software quality by safely using potentially sensitive information gathered from users

More detailed information about my academic life is available in my curriculum vitae.


Office: 438 Smith Hall
Phone: 302-831-0084
Email: [email protected]

Recent News

  •  — ISSTA 2017 Impact Paper Award

    Our paper Dytan: A generic dynamic taint analysis framework has been selected to receive the ISSTA 2017 Impact Paper Award. This award recognizes research papers that were published at ISSTA a decade ago, and had a significant impact on research and/or practice of software testing and analysis.

  •  — CREST Open Workshop Presentation

    I will be presenting our work on optimizing the energy usage of software at the 50th CREST Open Workshop - Genetic Improvement.

  •  — ICSME Distinguished Reviewer Award

    I’m the recipient of a Distinguished Reviewer Award for “exceptionally detailed and constructive feedback to the ICSME community” from the 32nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016).

  •  — The News Journal Article

    The News Journal published an article about our work on Enabling and Supporting the Development of Energy-Efficient Software.

  •  — ASE Paper Acceptance

    Our paper Towards Automatically Generating Descriptive Names for Unit Tests has been accepted to the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2016).

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