GLANCE – 1st Founding Committee Meeting

In January, EFCNI announced the founding of GLANCE, the Global Alliance for Newborn Care on the annual Parent Organisations Meeting.  After thorough planning and preparations, the first GLANCE Founding Committee Meeting took place in Munich. 14 international parent representatives from Europe, Turkey, Africa, Australia, the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as four EFCNI members, had been working hard in a two days meeting to make progress in structural and organisational regards, settling for areas of activities and deciding on first global awareness campaigns.  Moreover, the group could also elaborate a global Call to Action with eight demands to advance the care for babies born too soon, too small or too sick and the support given to their families.

“My work with EFCNI has shown me the striking disparities in neonatal healthcare we are facing in Europe. Through EFCNI’s partnership with international organisations like  Save the Children, UNICEF, USAID or the WHO, I learnt that there are worldwide issues EFCNI, as a European based organisation, cannot tackle. We need first-hand information about the most pressing needs in regions like Africa, Asia our South America and even more important, contacts and spokespersons on site. Therefore, we must establish a strong global network to efficiently join forces and to become a powerful voice for all these children and their parents.”, stated EFCNI-Chairwoman Silke Mader.

GLANCE strives to expand its network of collaborating partners  in the future, to represent sick newborns and their parents in each region/continet.  We would like to thank all participants of this meeting for their valuable and inspiring input, for the insightful talks and constructive debates. With a lot of work ahead we are certain that together, we have the power to make an impact, helping babies born too soon, too small or too sick and their families – worldwide!

For updates follow us on:
Facebook: @GlanceNetwork
Twitter: @GLANCE_Network
Instagram: @glance_network
Website to be launched in November 2019

The Call to Action will be available for download soon.

GLANCE, the Global Alliance for Newborn Care,  is a global network to represent the interests of babies born too soon, too small or too sick and their families. Initiated and coordinated under the umbrella of EFCNI, GLANCE aims at including parents, from all parts of the world to exchange knowledge and experience. GLANCE aspires to decrease the burden of afflicted families and their preterm and sick newborns to help them thrive beyond survival.


The GLANCE Founding Committee presenting the Call to Action: 1st row (f.l.t.r.): Eleni Vavouraki (Ilitominon, Greece), Nicole Thiele (EFCNI, Germany), Silke Mader (EFCNI, Germany), Ilein Bolaños (Con amor vencerás, Mexico), Ilknur Okay, (El Bebek gül Bebek, Turkey) 2nd row (f.l.t.r.): Silvia Kolossa (EFCNI, Germany), Sarah Fuegenschuh (EFCNI, Germany), Oleksandra Balyasna (Early Birds, Ukraine), Mandy Daly (INHA, Ireland), Kylie Pussell (Miracle Babies Foundation, Australia), Asta Radzevičienė (Neisnesiotukas, Lithuania), Gigi Khonyongwa-Fernandez (Preemie Parent Alliance, USA), Paula Guerra (XXS – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio ao Bebé Prematuro, Portugal), Livia Nagy (Melletted a helyem Egyesület alelnöke, Hungary), Alisson McNulty (TinyLife, Northern Ireland), Selina Bentoom (AFPNC, Ghana), Fabiana Bacchini (CPBF, Canada), Aurelia Abenstein (EFCNI, Germany), not in picture: Nina Nikolova (Our premature babies, Bulgaria)