Page Shadow

Page Shadow

Source code (Manifest V3) 141
Source code (Manifest V2) 1 948
Page Shadow for Chrome/Chromium/Edge/Opera 2 042
Page Shadow for Firefox 2 355
Page Shadow for Edge Legacy (2.7) 3 369

Date of the last download: 3/14/25 at 5:23:27 AM GMT+1

Presentation in the form of tabs


An extension for Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge. Page Shadow is a dark mode extension. It includes a series of tools to improve the reading of web pages in a dark environment. The extension allows you:

Page Shadow has many settings to personalize your extension: settings adapted to each site, automatic enable/disable, etc. L'extension est disponible en français et en anglais. This extension is avalaible in english and in french.

The extension is available in the official stores.

If you are unable to install the extension from this website for Chrome/Chromium or if your browser prevents it, follow these steps:

  1. Click on « Download the extension », then « Chrome/Chromium », then « Local » on this website and click on « Continue » on the bar displayed at bottom of your screen;
  2. Open the menu of your browser (the 3 little dots at top right) and select « Settings »;
  3. In the left menu, select « Extensions »;
  4. Open the folder where you have downloaded the extension and drag the Page Shadow file (with the .crx extension) into the Chrome/Chromium window;
  5. Click on « Add the extension »;
  6. You can now enjoy the extension.

Important informations:

On latest versions of Opera, you have to activate a particular setting to allow the extension access to search results pages (this allow the extension to works on Google, Bing and others search engines):
  1. Click on the "Cube" icon at the top right of the browser
  2. Click on "Manage extensions"
  3. Under "Page Shadow", click on "Details"
  4. Check "Allow access to search page results"
About the permissions of the extension:

The extension requires some permissions to be able to work properly. Here is what these permissions are and why they are used:

The extension does not collect any personal data without your consent. It communicates with a remote server for the Filters function, solely to download or update a filter file, without transmitting any personal data to this server. Additionally, if you use the "Report a problem displaying the extension's features on a webpage" feature, a communication with Eliastik's Softs server may be established, but only after your explicit consent (more info). Outside of these cases, no other interaction with a remote server occurs. Page Shadow is free and open-source software. Its source code is freely available on GitHub.

About the Opera browser version:

Although the developer of Page Shadow strives to release the latest versions of the extension simultaneously across all platforms, the version currently available on the Opera extensions store might be outdated, as the moderation team on this platform processes updates slowly.

To get the latest version, you can install Page Shadow directly from the Chrome Web Store on the Opera browser, which is entirely possible.

Screenshots: 11

Others informations:

Author: Eliastik
License: GNU GPLv3
Current version: 2.11.1 (09/03/2025)
Creation date: 2015
Programming languages: Javascript, HTML/CSS
Language(s): French, English
Names of the downloadable files (sizes of the files):
  • Source code (Manifest V3) : Page Shadow (818,84 Ko)
  • Source code (Manifest V2) : Page Shadow (816,77 Ko)
  • Page Shadow for Chrome/Chromium/Edge/Opera : Page Shadow v2.11.1.crx (1,05 Mo)
  • Page Shadow for Firefox : Page Shadow v2.11.1.xpi (902,81 Ko)
  • Page Shadow for Edge Legacy (2.7) : Page Shadow (1,03 Mo)
Hashes of the downloadable files:
