ELKHART — Three men are running for the Democratic nomination for the 4th District seat on the Elkhart City Council on Tuesday. 

Incumbent Dwight Fish faces three-term City Council veteran Ron Troyer and James “Jay” H. Little.

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(4) comments


Ron Troyer will vote for what is fair. Fish on the other hand has voted for pay raises for council. Tried to get issued for undocumented a license for them just like Chicago has. He has his own agenda and that is how the party boses tell him to vote.


Dwight Fish cannot help criticizing others that don't share his opinion. Even in the interview he had to be less than professional to be noticed. Say what you would do not what you think of your opponent. Ron Troyer knows his district and assisted personally. He drove people to appointments, helped with their needs and served them more personally than the rest of us. We cannot take that away from Mr. Troyer.

Joe King

HA! The fact henke endorses Troyer speaks volumes for Troyer....Henke doesn’t like Fish...that’s the best endorsement anyone can give Fish..... he knows the residents, he knows the businesses and works hard for them. Fish has my support


I am sure your support will carry the Fish man to second place. you support him because he is a democrat, no other reason. SAD

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