by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago Artificial Intelligence Projects for Engineering Students Artificial intelligence projects or AI mainly refer to the imitation of human intelligence within preprogrammed machines. These machines act like humans & imitate their actions. The supreme characteristic of AI is its aptitude to diminish...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago Cybersecurity Projects for Engineering Students Cybersecurity, IT security, computer security is the protection of computer systems. At present, this field is becoming more significant because of the increased dependence on computer systems, wireless network standards used in mobile...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago LED Projects for Engineering Students Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor device including two terminals. As compared with a normal diode, LED functionality is the same except it produces light once current supplies throughout it. In most electronic circuits, LEDs...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago ESP8266 Projects for Engineering Students In the electronics field, the ESP8266 WiFi module is gaining so much popularity due to its reliability, inexpensive & simple availability in the market. This module includes a 32-bit in-built low-power ROM, RAM & CPU. It is a completely...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago MTech Projects for Electronics and Electrical Engineering The term MTech stands for Master of Technology and it is a professional master’s degree in the engineering field. The duration of this degree is two years and the eligible candidates for this degree program are the students who have...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago 30 Minute Timer with Circuit Diagram Using 555 IC & 7555 IC The medieval Latin word for clock is – ‘clogga’, which means ‘bell’. These are one of the oldest human inventions. We are measuring time from centuries using different methods. With the invent of technology...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago LabVIEW Projects for Engineering Students Currently, the LabVIEW based hardware units are commonly used in various industries due to their features like rugged design and exact control. The communication of these can be done using different protocols namely RS232, TCP/IP, RS485,...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago MATLAB Projects for Engineering Students MATLAB projects for engineering students are broadly employed in signal processing, image, research, academic and industrial enterprises. This was first implemented by researchers and engineers in control engineering. Further, it is rapidly...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is Fuse : Different Types and Its Applications In the former days of telegraphy, the scientist who became more popular because of his efforts is the French person “Breguet”. He was the person who suggested the utilization of reduced part of conductors to guard telegraph...
by Tarun Agarwal 7 years ago Industrial Fault Monitoring System Nowadays, technology plays a wide role in our day to day life. Wireless technology has further reduced the human effort and invoked to adopt new, efficient, cost-effective methods, leaving behind the conventional methods. Wireless technologies...