What’s Praise and Worship in Heaven Like?

What’s Praise and Worship in Heaven Like?

Have you ever thought about what praise and worship will be like in heaven? An evangelist asked all who wanted to go to heaven to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience did so, except for one elderly man sitting near the front of the auditorium. The preacher pointed his finger at him and said, ‘Sir, do you mean to tell us that you don’t want to go to heaven?’ ‘Sure I want to go, but the way you put the question, I figured you were getting up a busload for tonight!’1 Heaven is the most wonderful place ever and as a believer in Jesus it is your eternal destination. And trust me, you want to go there. The praise and worship there is out of this world.

[Tweet “Psalm 100 is a universal Psalm with a universal message, ‘All the earth should praise the Lord.’”]

What Real Prayer to God Is About

What Prayer to God Is About

What is real prayer all about? The following story illustrates what real prayer isn’t. Morris Davis was put in jail for “praying.” It all began when Davis was picked up and charged with arson. After his arrest, he was taken to a room at the police station for a lie detector test. Thinking he was alone, he prayed that old familiar prayer, “Lord, let me get away with it just this once.” But a policeman overheard his prayer and submitted it as evidence against him. The lower court ruled that this was a private conversation and therefore could not be submitted as evidence. The Canadian government, however, appealed this ruling and the Court of Appeals decided that it was admissible evidence because prayer is not a private conversation, since God is not a person.1 It’s nice to know what prayer isn’t but we also can and should know what it is.

[Tweet “The Lord is able to address each person who waits on Him at the Throne.”]


#S4-018: Why You Need to Receive God’s Hesed Mercy [Podcast]

God's Hesed Mercy Is Available for You to Receive from His Hand

Long ago, a poor woman from the slums of London was invited to go with a group of people for a holiday at the ocean. She had never seen the ocean before, and when she saw it, she burst into tears. Those around her thought it was strange that she should cry when such a lovely holiday had been given her. “Why in the world are you crying?” they asked. Pointing to the ocean she answered, “This is the only thing I have ever seen that there was enough of.” God has oceans of mercy. There is enough of it—and God delights to show his mercy and compassion (Micah 7:19). 1 Hesed is the Hebrew word for God’s covenant faithfulness and mercy. God’s very mercy flows out from His Throne. His instructions to us, as His children, is to boldly come to receive it when we need help.

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[Tweet “God loves you loyally. Camp on this. There is no thought equal to this in the realm of men.”]

#043: Why Is The Throne of God A Strategic Place? [Podcast]

In the book, the Art of War the following quote appears. “The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself” 1 Sun Tzu must have gotten this piece of wisdom from reading the Bible. This is exactly what took place through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In his week’s post, let’s look at the strategic nature of the the Throne of God.

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#042: Why is The Throne of God Power Central? [Podcast]

“I have never met a person who took a test without wanting to know what to study. Nor have I met a soldier who was willing to go into battle without his gun. Also, I have never met a pilot who wanted to lose power while still in the air. But I have met Christians who were perfectly willing to live their lives without God’s power” 1. Living a Christian life without God’s power is as ludicrous as trying to drive a car without gas. Knowing about and seeing examples of spiritual power aids the believer in His walk. You can, then, have confidence in the strength of the Lord on your behalf.

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#041: How Breathtaking Is the Throne of God? [Podcast]

Fireworks are displays of stupefying light and sound. Do you look forward to seeing them? But, a fireworks show comparable to the happenings of heaven does not exist. There has never been a laser light show equal to the light and energy emanating from the Throne of God. Men have tried with various words to describe the awesome center of the universe.  None of them satisfy. Until we see the Throne for ourselves, the best we have is the Bible’s description.

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Why Is The Throne of God A Strategic Place?

In the book, the Art of War the following quote appears. “The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself” 1 Sun Tzu must have gotten this piece of wisdom from reading the Bible. This is exactly what took place through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In his week’s post, let’s look at the strategic nature of the the Throne of God.

Why is The Throne of God Power Central?

“I have never met a person who took a test without wanting to know what to study. Nor have I met a soldier who was willing to go into battle without his gun. Also, I have never met a pilot who wanted to lose power while still in the air. But I have met Christians who were perfectly willing to live their lives without God’s power” 1. Living a Christian life without God’s power is as ludicrous as trying to drive a car without gas. Knowing about and seeing examples of spiritual power aids the believer in His walk. You can, then, have confidence in the strength of the Lord on your behalf.

How Breathtaking Is the Throne of God?

Fireworks are displays of stupefying light and sound. Do you look forward to seeing them? But, a fireworks show comparable to the happenings of heaven does not exist. There has never been a laser light show equal to the light and energy emanating from the Throne of God. Men have tried with various words to describe the awesome center of the universe.  None of them satisfy. Until we see the Throne for ourselves, the best we have is the Bible’s description.

The Second Commandment: The Exclusive Necessity to Worship God

Here is some interesting statistics on family worship. If both your parents worshipped with you regularly while you were growing up, there’s an 80 percent likelihood that you’ll worship God regularly as an adult. If only your mother worshipped regularly with you, there’s only a 30 percent probability that you’ll worship regularly as an adult. If only your father worshipped regularly with you, the likelihood that you’ll worship regularly as an adult increases to 70 percent! Fathers have an enormous impact on their children’s faith and values. One of your most important ministries is worshipping with your kids! 1  Worship is the subject of today’s post as we look at the second commandment.