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The benefits of extended breastfeeding

mum breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your baby has long been encouraged. This is because breast milk provides natural germ-killing antibodies, which help babies to fight tummy bugs, diarrhoea, colds, chest and ear infections. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of cot death and childhood leukaemia, and protects long-term health – as breastfed babies are less likely to develop diabetes and become overweight in later life.

Breastfeeding also has a host of health benefits for mums, as it helps lower the risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis (weak bones), cardiovascular disease and obesity.

But, although 8 in 10 women in the UK start breastfeeding, many give up in the first few weeks after their baby is born. After six months, only one third of babies are getting some breast milk and this drops to 1 in 200 babies at one year.

However, this is perhaps starting to change, as some mothers are now choosing extended breastfeeding. Another term that is sometimes used is natural term weaning, where breastfeeding continues until the child decides to naturally wean him or herself. This can often mean breastfeeding for a number of years.

What are the health benefits of extended breastfeeding – if any?

In the UK, the NHS recommends that breast milk be given exclusively (with no other food or drink) for the first six months of a child's life, but gives no guidance as to when this should stop, stating that breastfeeding into your baby's second year - or beyond - alongside other foods is ideal.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends continued breastfeeding, along with appropriate complementary foods, up to two years of age or beyond.

There is also evidence of the health benefits of natural term weaning for mothers. Research shows that mothers who breastfeed lower their risk of pre and post-menopausal breast cancer – and that breastfeeding longer than six months can provide additional protection.

Experts say that there is limited evidence of the health benefits of continuing to breastfeed beyond the age of two, but also that it does no harm so it’s totally safe to continue if that is you and your child’s choice.

Also, mothers who breastfeed their toddlers talk about the psychological benefits of extended breastfeeding, whilst toddlers may find breastfeeding comforting when they are ill or upset.

How to make extended breastfeeding work for you

Extended breastfeeding can be good for both you and your child, and – although there are some challenges – these can be overcome.

There may be an assumption in some sections of society that breastfeeding a toddler is unnatural or weird. But you can be confident in the knowledge that nothing is more natural than breastfeeding your child – and it is good for you and your toddler. It is your choice and your right to breastfeed your child for as long as you want.  

However, breastfeeding a toddler can sometimes be difficult, as he or she will inevitably more active than a baby. It might help to find a calm time and environment to breastfeed, so your toddler isn’t jumping up and down in your arms as you try to feed.

Overall, remember that it is your choice when and where you breastfeed your child and for how long. The benefits of extended breastfeeding are clear and you should feel confident in your decision.

You should not feel pressured by family, friends, your partner or even health professionals into stopping breastfeeding after your child has been weaned.

Extended breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience that’s good for you and your toddler, and soon most people will become used to your choice and accept it as what is right for you and your child.
