Petition Aiming to Flip Electoral College Approaches 5m Signatures, But Needs 6m - EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists

Petition Aiming to Flip Electoral College Approaches 5m Signatures, But Needs 6m


(EnviroNews World News) — No doubt about it, the 2016 presidential election has been one of the most divisive ever, and has pitted even the best of friends and family members against one another. It’s been so contentious in fact, that many people have even taken the drastic measure of pushing the “unfriend” button on Facebook, dumping longtime acquaintances in disgust for supporting the “other side” — a downright nuclear social media option to say the least.

Many Hillary Clinton supporters, and people who simply can’t stand Donald Trump, are madder than hell that Clinton won the popular vote by a landslide — some 2.8 million votes, yet Trump is set to take the White House by way of the Electoral College — an election system so old that Mozart and Beethoven were alive when it was codified into law via the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

Donald Trump has himself Tweeted, “The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy,” and repeatedly complained about a “rigged” election system on the stump throughout his campaign. Well, it’s that same “disastrous,” “rigged,” system that put him in the White House. But there’s a huge groundswell happening — a movement that seeks to, for the first time ever, flip the Electoral College, and effectively boot Donald Trump out of the White House before he ever steps in.

A petition launched on has been circling the web wildly and has accrued nearly five million signatures so far. The goal: pressure Electors in 14 states won by Trump to flip and cast their ballot the other way on December 19 when the Electoral College votes.

The petition claims, “Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.”

Multiple prominent celebrities, lead by Martin Sheen, have also jumped on the bandwagon, publishing a video that implores Republican members of the Electoral College to be “heroes” and to cast their vote for any “qualified” person other than Trump. In addition to Sheen, the video also features Richard Schiff, Debra Messing, James Cromwell, BD Wong, Noah Wyle, Freda Payne, Bob Odenkirk, J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Moby, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit, Christine Lahti, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa and Emily Tyra.

The Electoral College is set to cast their ballots on Monday December 19, so members of the movement are urging likeminded people to sign the petition before Monday.

If you are interested in examining this petition further, you may visit it by clicking here:

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