Petition Demands DOJ Investigation of Koch Brothers for Perpetrating Voter Fraud

Petition Demands DOJ Investigation of Koch Brothers for Perpetrating Voter Fraud


(EnviroNews World News) — The Daily Kos has launched a petition campaign demanding the Department of Justice (DOJ) launch a probe into petrochemical billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch.

The petition alleges that the infamous fossil fuel and chemical giants have perpetrated voter fraud via Americans for Prosperity, their ultra-conservative think tank.

The call to action campaign page also states Americans for Prosperity has “mailed thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms to North Carolina voters,” and also “registered a cat to vote and mailed forms to deceased children.”
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The page sought to achieve 100,000 signatures, but as of May 29, 2015 it has over 146,000. It would appear that this cause is picking up steam. You can view the campaign at the link below.