Petition Seeks to Pressure Quaker and Pepsi Co. Into Supporting GMO Labeling

Petition Seeks to Pressure Quaker and Pepsi Co. Into Supporting GMO Labeling


(EnviroNews World News)PETITION WATCH — There’s a petition traveling around out there online that is attempting to put pressure on Quaker, and its parent company Pepsi Co. The goal is to see the companies do a complete 180 on their position on the labeling of genetically modified foods (GMOs).

The petition page states:

Quaker and its parent company, PepsiCo, are spending millions to prevent us from knowing whether there are GMOs in our food. Major food companies combined have spent over $100 million on anti-labeling campaigns and their trade association, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, is supporting a new bill in Congress – The DARK Act – that would prevent mandatory FDA labeling.

The petition is driven by the Just Label It website at

There is no information available on the page to specify how many people have signed onto this cause, nor how many signatures they seek to obtain. You may explore the petition at this link: