Contacting Us
King’s Academy Easthampstead Park
Ringmead, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8FS
Telephone: 01344 304567
Absence Hotline: 01344 304567, option 1
Fax: 01344 867862
Email:[email protected]
Parental Engagement Officer
Please get in touch with Mr Jordon Holmes, if you are experiencing any difficult circumstance which you believe may cause difficulties for your child in school. For example; family breakdown, bereavement, issues around housing and benefits. Mr Holmes can provide a friendly face and a listening ear and work with you to ensure that your children are supported.
Mr Holmes works closely with the other FSAs in your local primary school and can offer support for you during your child’s transition to secondary school. He can see you at your current school if you prefer. Mr Holmes can also organise for you to take a tour of the school if required.
Child Protection Officer and Anti-bullying Coordinator
Mrs Osborn supports children who raise concerns about their welfare or who are under a multi-agency plan such as, a child in need, child protection or other circumstance where they could be vulnerable. Mrs Osborn works in partnership with social services and members of the Family Intervention Team as well as the EWO. Mrs Osborn collaborates closely with the Raising Standards Team in school who have responsibility for children’s daily welfare and compliance with our Respect and Pride protocols.
Mrs Osborn or other designated staff may conduct a search of students if items of concern are thought to be on their person or in their bag. Parents will always be informed of the reason for the search and the outcome but permission does not need to be provided prior. [email protected]
Raising Standards Team
Mrs Norris supports the Raising Standards Team in school the team have responsibility for children’s daily welfare and compliance with our Respect and Pride protocols.
Most queries should be referred initially to your child’s tutor or if appropriate the subject teacher. (ideally by email)
Students whose conduct is causing concern will be referred to the RST by teaching staff, this will include persistent concerns around uniform compliance (A copy of the required uniform is accessible from this website). You may be contacted by Mrs Norris on behalf of one of the Heads of Year if a concern is raised.
The Raising Standards Team will issue sanctions for inappropriate conduct, this may include detentions, removal from social times, break and lunch, removal to the school’s or a host schools inclusion room, confiscation of phones, hoodies, trainers or excessive jewellery and for some students involved in persistent breaches of the school rules, the issuing of a FTE or fixed term exclusion.
If you have any questions, including detention queries, they should be referred to the RST office. [email protected]
General Questions
Your child’s tutor is the first point of contact for you and your child.
You can email the tutor or write a note in your child’s diary but please remember to ask them to show it to the tutor.
Tutors can support you in resolving a wide range of queries including any worries your child may have about their studies, homework expectations or progress or maybe they have a friendship issue or a welfare concern. If your query relates to a specific subject, please email the subject teacher directly who can then respond and arrange a meeting or call if necessary. Please don’t assume staff are free to speak to you if you arrive at the school without an appointment, we will try to assist you, but staff may be teaching, be in meetings or have after school commitments. To avoid your time being wasted, please phone or email first and we can advise you.
Uniform Issues and FAQs
A problem with an item of uniform?
We are proud of our uniform and students are expected to wear it correctly at all times. Should an exceptional circumstance arrive where your child can not present in the correct uniform, it is your responsibility to provide them with a note or letter which must;
– Give the context for the issue and when you expect it to be resolved (normally within 3 working days)
– be signed and dated by you
A similar system operates for PE and items can be loaned to enable your child to take part. Please get in touch with your child’s PE teacher if you have any concerns. The name of the member of staff can be found on your child’s personalised timetable or by logging onto Classcharts where you can view your child’s timetable.
(Full version of our uniform policy is available to view on the website)
Can I have items of uniform delivered to the school?
Items from the Stevenson’s uniform shop can be ordered online and delivered to school each Thursday at no additional cost.
Ties can be ordered using our online payment system in addition to the service provided by Stevenson’s.
Can my child wear a hoodie?
Hoodies are not to be worn instead of a coat, and are not expected to be seen in school (exceptions: Year 11 leavers hoodies worn in the final term of Year 11, and sixth form).
Uniform means the same and the use of expensive branded hoodies to supplement or customise uniform is not part of our inclusive values.
Can my child wear black trainers instead of shoes?
All black trainers do not replace school shoes as they can’t be polished. Students are expected to bring appropriate trainers to take part in PE: Converse shoes or similar are not suitable as they do not support the foot.
Grey trousers should be worn, not black.
Skirts should be an appropriate length and should not be rolled up (turned over the waistband). If your child’s skirt is not an appropriate length, they will be asked to adjust the same. If your child persists on wearing a skirt that is not of appropriate length, you will be contacted to support. We aim to create an environment similar to that experienced in the world of work; short skirts are not permitted in most workplaces, and many employees wear company branded items of clothing.
School bags
Rucksacks are the preferred schoolbag to carry school materials in, rather than large handbags which can impede others when corridors are busy.
We allow students to choose their colour and style so they are readily identifiable. Many students personalise their bags or add reflectors to aid visibility when walking or cycling in the darker evenings.
Second-hand Uniform
Some pre-loved uniform items are available from our second-hand uniform stock which have been donated by generous parents when items have been outgrown. Please contact Mr Jordon Holmes ([email protected]) for assistance.
Does the school shop sell stationery and equipment?
Yes, it does, we sell a broad range of items for your child to use; all are of high quality and often cheaper than stores as we pass any savings onto you.
Photocopying can also be done for a small charge in addition to colour printing and specialist services like binding reports or assignments.
My child needs to take medication who do I see?
Please ask to speak to a member of the welfare staff, you will need to complete a medicines form and supply the medication in its original packaging.
Lost property
All items should be named, if they are and they are handed into the welfare office, they are returned to the child by the office runners. Property left in the PE changing rooms is held onto by the PE staff, and so students missing these items should speak to the PE staff in the first instance.
Bikes and scooters
All bicycles and scooters should be locked by the owner in one of the cycle stores in school; there are two available one in the lower playground and one in the upper playground. We are awaiting the delivery and construction of new enclosed cycle store which is being provided by the LA. Lockers are available for students to use at no charge (you manage the padlock) for the storage of cycle helmets. Padlocks can be bought from the school shop.