Fast and Flexible A3 Scanning
The DS-50000 flatbed scanner lets you quickly and easily scan A3-sized and wide-format documents such as maps, drawings, or large bound books and even odd-shaped articles. Images, graphics and text are captured with amazing clarity and accuracy with its high resolution of 600 dpi CCD sensor.
Eco-Conscious Scanning Performance
It is equipped with Epson ReadyScan LED technology that require zero warm-up time, resulting in lower power consumption. It also has a power-saving sleep mode that reduces energy consumption even further.
Powerful and Comprehensive Features of Epson Scan 2
Text Enhancement
Improves text recognition when scanning text documents, whether in colour, greyscale or black-and-white. Removes background for better clarity, which is especially useful for double-sided printed documents.
Document Skew Correction
Automatically adjusts and straightens scanned images.
Colour Enhancement & Colour Dropout
Remove or enhance the visibility of ink signatures such as “Confidential” and “Urgent” stamps. Users can pick one of the preset colours (red, green, blue, pink, purple, yellow, orange, or all colours except black), or use the customised settings to dropout or enhance up to 5 colours of your choice with a single scan. Up to 10 preset colours can be saved for reuse.
Advanced PDF Features
Built-in OCR function to create Searchable PDF files. Secure your PDF files by setting a password to prevent unauthorised viewing, editing or printing.
Advanced Document Management – Document Capture Pro*
The DS-50000 comes bundled with document management software that allows you to easily manage your scanned files.
Easily scan, view, edit, save and transfer scanned documents. The software optically recognizes barcodes, characters and blank pages in scanned documents to separate them into different folders. It allows you to create up to 30 customised job settings, making multiple scan jobs a breeze.
The software also provides quick access to post-scan destinations, including scan-to-print, email, Windows® Public Folder, FTP, Web Folder, and Scan-to-Cloud services such as Microsoft® SharePoint Server, Evernote®, Google® Drive™ and SugarSync®.
*Document Capture Pro (Windows), Document Capture (Mac OS X)
Scan Speed:
Flatbed (Black / Colour): 300 dpi: 4 sec / 4 sec
600 dpi: 10 sec / 6 sec
Dimensions and Weight:
Dimensions (W x D x H): 640 x 468 x 156 mmWeight: 14.8 kg
Environmental Conditions:
Temperature: Operating: 5 - 35 °C
Storage: -25 - 60 °CHumidity: Operating: 10 - 80 % (No Condensation)
Storage: 10 - 85 % (No Condensation)
Electrical Specifications:
Drivers and Software:
Recommended Links:
*1 Scanning resolution as defined by ISO14473.
*2 Scanning Speed Data Patterns.