Event Republic has consistently delivered high quality events for client and consumers alike in Cairo, Egypt.
Some of our highlights include:

Flagship Events

} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
/// Spring in the City 2015 ///
Fairmont Nile City -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
#Play 2
Greek Club -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
#Play 1
Greek Club -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Fast Forward
Y Lounge -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Summer In The City
Fairmont Nile City -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Spring in the city
Fairmont Nile City -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
3rd Annual School Disco: Student Aid
First Mall -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Fall in the City
Fairmont Nile City -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
50 Biasters
The Temple -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Hey La Hop
Fairmont Nile City -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
Party in my shorts
The Garden -
} elseif(empty($photos) && $videos != "") {?>
} else {?>
2nd Annual School Disco: Student Aid
Swiss Club