- DeWitt, J;
- Dorfan, DE;
- Dubbs, T;
- Grillo, AA;
- Kashigin, S;
- Kroeger, W;
- Pulliam, T;
- Rahn, J;
- Rowe, WA;
- Sadrozinski, HF-W;
- Seiden, A;
- Spencer, E;
- Webster, A;
- Wichmann, R;
- Wilder, M;
- Williams, DC;
- Dane, J;
- Lankford, A;
- Pier, S;
- Schmid, B;
- Bonino, R;
- Couyoumtzelis, C;
- Demierre, P;
- Fujita, K;
- Handa, T;
- Iwata, Y;
- Ohsugi, T;
- Iwasaki, H;
- Kohriki, T;
- Kondo, T;
- Terada, S;
- Unno, Y;
- Takashima, R;
- Ciocio, A;
- Collins, T;
- Emes, J;
- Gilchriese, MGD;
- Haber, C;
- Kipnis, I;
- Shapiro, M;
- Siegrist, J;
- Spieler, H;
- Moorhead, G;
- Nakao, M;
- Tamura, N;
- Dabrowski, W;
- Idzik, M;
- Godlwski, J;
- Grewal, A;
- Nickerson, R;
- Wastie, R;
- Gao, Y;
- Gonzalez, S;
- Walsh, AM;
- Feng, Z
We report results from beam tests on silicon microstrip detectors using a binary readout system for ATLAS. The data were collected during the H8 beam test at CERN in August/September 1995 and the KEK test in February 1996. The binary modules tested had been assembled from silicon microstrip detectors of different layout and from front-end electronics chips of different architecture. The efficiency, noise occupancy and position resolution were determined as a function of the threshold setting for various bias voltages and angles of incidence for both irradiated and non-irradiated detectors. In particular, the high spatial resolution of the beam telescope allowed the evaluation of the performance as a function of the track location in between detector strips.