الذكاء الاصطناعي الوقاية من تهديدات الغد
مدعوم ب 30 عاما من الخبرة البشرية و 13 مركزا للبحث والتطوير حول العالم وخدمة العملاء المحلية.
مدعوم ب 30 عاما من الخبرة البشرية و 13 مركزا للبحث والتطوير حول العالم وخدمة العملاء المحلية.
99.9٪ معدل الحماية من البرامج الضارة ضد الإصابة بالملفات الضارة. تقليل مخاطر خرق البيانات أو الهجمات الإلكترونية.
100% المقاومة ضد الهجمات الأكثر انتشارا.
X5 مع بصمة نظام أخف ، يمكن لموظفيك استخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم بشكل أكثر سلاسة أثناء تنفيذ مهامهم
اقرأ قصة العميل كاملة
ستيفان بيستوريوس
EDP ومدير الشؤون الإدارية للمستحضرات الصيدلانية
مدفوعات مدفوعات خالية من القلق وحماية الخصوصية مع ميزات مثل مثل مكافحة التصيد الاحتيالي وحماية Wi-Fi.
ارفع مستوى حمايتك باستخدام مدير كلمات المرور وتشفير الملفات الملفات الحساسة واكتشاف التهديدات المتطور.
احصل على أفضل خطة أمان متاحة ، كاملة مع VPN و تنظيف البيانات الوصفية لراحة البال التامة.
Modern multilayered endpoint protection featuring strong machine learning and easy-to-use management
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Mobile Threat Defense Robust security for all Android and iOS mobile devices within the organization. Equip your mobile fleet with Antimalware, Anti-Theft and MDM capabilities.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Mail Server Security An additional layer of security, protecting Exchange and IBM email servers from threats entering the network on top of the standard endpoint and file server protection.
Features advanced anti-phishing, anti-malware, and anti-spam combined with cloud-powered proactive threat defense. Provides you with robust quarantine management and rule definition/filtering system.
Prevents ransomware and other email-borne attacks without compromising email's speed.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Cloud App Protection Advanced protection for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace apps, with additional proactive threat defense.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Multi-Factor Authentication Single-tap, mobile-based multi-factor authentication that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Premium Support Essential Prioritized, accelerated and guaranteed support from experts.
Best-in-class endpoint protection against ransomware & zero-day threats, backed by powerful data security
Unlock a higher protection tier with the added advantage of EDR included. Click on the plus sign and reach out to our dedicated sales team to explore a tailored offering that meets your unique requirements. No commitment.
Starting at 25 devices.
Mail Security An additional layer of security, protecting Exchange and IBM email servers from threats entering the network on top of the standard endpoint and file server protection.
Features advanced anti-phishing, anti-malware, and anti-spam combined with cloud-powered proactive threat defense. Provides you with robust quarantine management and rule definition/filtering system.
Prevents ransomware and other email-borne attacks without compromising email's speed.
Unlock a higher protection tier with the added advantage of EDR included. Click on the plus sign and reach out to our dedicated sales team to explore a tailored offering that meets your unique requirements. No commitment.
Starting at 25 devices.
Cloud App Protection Advanced protection for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace apps, with additional proactive threat defense.
Unlock a higher protection tier with the added advantage of EDR included. Click on the plus sign and reach out to our dedicated sales team to explore a tailored offering that meets your unique requirements. No commitment.
Starting at 25 devices.
Extended Detection and Response Additional platform capability to proactively detect threats, effectively identify anomalous behavior in the network and realize timely remediation, preventing breaches and business disruption.
ESET Inspect, the XDR-enabling cloud-based tool, provides outstanding threat and system visibility, allowing risk managers and security professionals to perform fast and in-depth root cause analysis and immediately respond to incidents.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
MDR Service 24/7 managed detection and response service combining AI and human expertise to achieve unmatched threat detection and rapid incident response.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Multi-Factor Authentication Single-tap, mobile-based multi-factor authentication that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Premium Support Essential Prioritized, accelerated and guaranteed support from experts.
Complete, multilayered protection for endpoints, cloud applications and email, the number one threat vector
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Multi-Factor Authentication Single-tap, mobile-based multi-factor authentication that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click on the plus sign and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Premium Support Essential Prioritized, accelerated and guaranteed support from experts.
يعد باحثو ESET من بين المساهمين الأكثر نشاطا في MITRE ATT &CK® ، وهي قاعدة معرفية عالمية لتكتيكات الخصم. لقد اكتشفوا مجموعات تجسس إلكتروني غير معروفة سابقا مثل Sandworm و MoustachedBouncer و Turla والمزيد.
سمح الابتكار المستمر لشركة ESET بتطوير العديد من تقنيات الحماية الفريدة والمملوكة والمدعومة بالسحابة ومتعددة الطبقات التي تعمل معا مثل ESET LiveSense.
تفخر ESET ، الشركة العالمية الرائدة في مجال الأمن السيبراني ، بالإعلان عن فوز الشركة بجائزة SC لعام 2023 في فئة جائزة التميز لأفضل خدمة عملاء
حماية متعددة الطبقات
16 طبقة تحمي 1+ مليار مستخدم للإنترنت في جميع أنحاء العالم
ضوء على الموارد
أفضل أداء لمدة 11 عاما في اختبار AV-Comparatives
سهل الاستخدام
تم التحقق من خلال مراجعات المستهلكين على Trustpilot
الحائز على جوائز
أكثر من 100 جائزة VB100 متتالية
الدعم بلغتك
أكثر من 700 من خبراء خدمة العملاء
مسؤول اجتماعيًا
إفادة المجتمع لأكثر من 30 عامًا
اعثر على كل ما تحتاجه في بوابة العملاء الخاصة بنا
تجديد أو ترقية أو إضافة
أجهزة إلى ترخيص ESET الخاص بك.
قم بتنزيل مفتاح الترخيص الحالي واستخدامه لتنشيط البرنامج.
إدارة الجهاز ومكافحة السرقة وإعداد الرقابة الأبوية. مفتاح الترخيص مطلوب.
احصل على دعم فني
مجاني لمنتجات ESET المنزلية أو التجارية.