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The Best Dressed Men of the 2017 Oscars

Featuring Justin Timberlake, Riz Ahmed, Mahersahala Ali, and more.

Hair, Head, Ear, Nose, Eye, Hairstyle, Collar, Chin, Forehead, Outerwear, pinterest
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These are the guys who really delivered on film's biggest night.


Ryan Gosling

Clothing, Coat, Collar, Trousers, Shirt, Suit, Outerwear, Suit trousers, Dress shirt, Formal wear,

In Gucci.


Riz Ahmed

Clothing, Dress shirt, Collar, Trousers, Coat, Shirt, Outerwear, Suit, Formal wear, Carpet,

In Ermenegildo Zegna Couture, with studs and cufflinks by Montblanc.

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Andrew Garfield

Clothing, Coat, Collar, Trousers, Dress shirt, Shirt, Suit, Outerwear, Suit trousers, Formal wear,

In Tom Ford.


Mahershala Ali

Clothing, Trousers, Dress shirt, Collar, Coat, Shirt, Flooring, Suit, Outerwear, Formal wear,

In Ermenegildo Zegna Couture, with studs, cufflinks, and a lapel pin by Monique Péan for HeForShe.

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Viggo Mortensen

Clothing, Coat, Dress shirt, Collar, Trousers, Shirt, Flooring, Suit, Outerwear, Carpet,

In Dior Homme.


John Legend

Clothing, Coat, Trousers, Shirt, Suit, Shoe, Outerwear, Flooring, Red, Formal wear,

In Gucci, with studs by Monique Péan Homme and cufflinks by Monique Péan for HeForShe.

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Dev Patel

Clothing, Trousers, Coat, Collar, Shirt, Outerwear, Dress shirt, Carpet, Flooring, Formal wear,

In Burberry.


Gael Garcia Bernal

Coat, Dress shirt, Collar, Trousers, Suit, Outerwear, Formal wear, Flooring, Suit trousers, Carpet,

In Dior Homme.

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John Cho

Clothing, Coat, Trousers, Dress, Event, Shirt, Outerwear, Formal wear, Suit, Happy,

Justin Timberlake

Clothing, Coat, Trousers, Flooring, Shirt, Outerwear, Suit, Formal wear, Red, Carpet,

In Tom Ford.

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Lucas Hedges

Clothing, Coat, Collar, Trousers, Dress shirt, Shirt, Suit, Outerwear, Suit trousers, Formal wear,

In Dior Homme.

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