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This app and website are an amazing resource! Indispensable for anyone seeking to know about the history of language and the meanings of words. I have it on my home screen. It's always the first place I look up any word Im curious about. Thank you, etymonline! (I'm not kidding, I seriously love it!)

Peter Hazen
Peter Hazen

Sep 8, 2023, 22:31

This website & app have increased my knowledge of the roots of English whilst providing me endless entertainment, discovering how words evolve. Yes, strongly recommended.

Walsh “walshamite” Amite
Walsh “walshamite” Amite

Apr 5, 2021, 01:39

While the dictionary once served a purpose in my life, I find that exploring the origin of a word or phrase adds depth and dimension to it's definition. Much like the contrast between reading about the Grand Canyon, in contrast to standing it's edges in person with full, panaramic vision. Etymonline App is the best I've found and has replaced the dictionary for my understand of everything. Well done.

Dondi Wood
Dondi Wood

Apr 19, 2022, 03:06

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