On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights, Eurodiaconia launched its new report on “Monitoring the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights”. The proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in 2017 has been key to give more visibility and prominence to social issues at an EU level.
This report analyses the existing mechanisms for the implementation and monitoring of the Social Pillar. Concerning the EU’s commitment to the implementation of the Social Pillar, we looked at the Social Pillar Action Plan. Even if the Action Plan does not present initiatives systematically covering every principle, there are several promising initiatives to left no one behind, namely, the European Skills Agenda, the European Child Guarantee, Minimum Income, European Care Strategy, European Platform on Combatting Homelessness, and the Anti-Racism Action Plan.
However, European Commission’s initiatives are not enough without a strong and effective implementation at national and regional levels. EU Member States are essential actors to make social rights a reality as they have the necessary competences to modify social policies and adapt their legislative frameworks. In this sense, we analyzed 2030 Headline targets, the Social Scoreboard, and the Joint Employment Report. Finally, the report provides concrete recommendations to improve the monitoring of all Social Pillar principles. Eurodiaconia calls on the European Commission to strengthen its implementation by addressing all its principles, and clarifying the methods used for its monitoring.
You can read our full report and our recommendations here.