As an artist I am interested in all kinds of disciplines related to visual art, finally I choose analog and digital collage as my main technique because it is the one that fills me the most when creating. I find in collage the possibility of taking something old and giving it a new life; through images that are already forgotten I give them a new meaning, placing them in new times and spaces, generating new universes with my ideas. My works make me feel a sense of rescuing the abandoned or something like that, although I dislike how corny that sounds. I like to believe that my works convey a message that art is not only for the privileged, with a little paper, magazines and internet you can produce incredible things, collage has unimaginable opportunities, that's what I love about this beautiful technique.
E-mail: [email protected]
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Montag – Freitag ǀ 7:00–17:00
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