New Darkstalkers trademark filed by Capcom
Capcom has filed new trademarks for Darkstalkers, Capcom Cup, Capcom Fighters, Capcom Pro Tour, Street Fighter League, and World Warriors Challenge according to Gematsu.
This could be an indicator that Capcom intends to use the Darkstalkers trademark for something in the near future. However, the possibility also exists that Capcom is renewing the trademark without any immediate plans for the Darkstalkers series.
What's particularly interesting here is that Capcom filed another trademark for Darkstalkers earlier back in December 2019 along with trademarks for Power Stone, Dino Crisis, Bionic Commando, Cyberbots, and a number of other titles. Since then, nothing has been released as far as Darkstalkers is concerned.
The last title that was released in the main Darkstalkers series was Darkstalkers Resurrection, a compilation consisting of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge and Darkstalkers 3. It's been over seven years since this was released for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 back in 2013.
Unfortunately, it was reported by Capcom that Darkstalkers Resurrection did not sale enough to be considered a commercial success. As a result, questions about the series' future have come about.
It is worth mentioning that Morrigan Aensland and Jedah Dohma did appear in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite when it was released back in 2017. In addition, multiple costumes that reference the franchise have been made available in Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition throughout the years.
Although Yoshinori Ono has expressed interest in revisiting the series at some point, Capcom has been open about the fact that the Darkstalkers series hasn't been a priority for developers.
Still, who knows what this new trademark filing could mean for the Darkstalkers series? Maybe there will be some surprise announcement other than just Street Fighter 5 news on the scheduled day of August 5, 2020 when we're expecting new character reveals. It's also very likely that Capcom will have more news to share at the end of the year at Capcom Cup 2020.
Sent in by an anonymous reader.