Men's Fitness South Africa


f you’re a young guy, getting that rock-hard erection of your dreams — and maintaining it for a long period of time — really shouldn’t be a problem. Only it is becoming a problem. In some cases, a big one. A recent study in found that the age that guys are being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) continues to fall. In fact, researchers reported that about 25% of new patients showing signs of erection problems are under the age of 40, and almost half of those dudes have what is classified as “severe ED”, the latest euphemism for “not being able to get it up at all, buddy”. And though there are countless bogeymen out there blamed for this mass plummeting of sexual prowess — the stress of modern life, depression, booze, the inexorable rise of Tinder — there is really one thing we actually know for a fact: Many of today’s young dudes can blame their flaccidness on their diets, which are way too heavy on the types of greasy or fried foods that are clogging up their arteries at younger and younger ages. Of course, the flip side is that if your sex is suffering (or if

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