‘KE NAKO’ South Africa, It’s Time!
Jun 24, 2019
5 minutes
—by Dr. Pearl Kupe
‘Ke Nako’ a Sotho saying that literally means ‘the time has come’; ‘it is time’
This is South Africa’s time! It’s the time for all the prophetic words that have been released about her to manifest. It is the time for her redemptive purpose for the nations to be realised. South Africa’s redemptive gift as a nation is that of “Giver”, and she has so much to give in this season, to the continent and to the nations at large. This is the season that Africa will no longer be known as a ‘begging bowl’, but as a ‘breadbasket to the world’ and South Africa has a key role to play in realising this prophetic word in this season!
It is not time to be idle
Ke Nako! It’s time for the Body of Christ in South Africa to rise up. To be seated down and do nothing is not a part of the
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