Diabetic Living Australia



When most people think of ‘self-care’, they picture a soothing bubble bath or pampering pedicure. But taking good care of yourself takes many forms, especially when you’re managing a chronic illness such as diabetes. For people with diabetes, self-care might include checking BGLs and making yourself a healthy snack, but it also means doing things for your mental and emotional health – and even having a little fun.

“It can be a deeply healing thing to do something enjoyable and restorative,” says Brooke Baker, diabetes educator and diabetes nurse specialist. “A massage, some yoga, reading a book, listening to a favourite song. I have watched blood glucose levels drop in one patient after just a few minutes of piano playing.” Not only can nurturing yourself in all these ways result in lower heart-disease risk and better glucose management, it can also boost energy, help you sleep better, lead to more fulfilling relationships

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