CQ Amateur Radio


VHF Calendar

432 MHz Fall Sprint: Wednesday October 7th from 7-11 p.m. local

ARRL EME contest 50 to 1296 MHz: October 10th & 11th

Microwave Fall Sprint: Saturday October 10th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. local

Leonids Meteor Shower Predicted Peak: November 17th – November 18th

ARRL EME Contest 50 MHz to 1296 MHz: November 28th – 29th

Geminids Meteor Shower Predicted Peak December 13th – 14th

The year closes out with two major meteor showers: The Leonids with its predicted peak on the night of November 17th into the morning of November 18th and the Geminids with its predicted peak on the night of December 13th and into the morning of December 14th. Like most major meteor showers, the increase in the number of meteors starts a few days prior to the peak and lasts a few days after the predicted peak. Both the Leonids and Geminids offer a good opportunity for the newcomer to give meteor scatter a try, particularly on 6 meters where

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