Computer Music


Eurorack has taken the music production world by storm over recent years. The hardware modular synth format essentially lets you create your own custom synthesiser by assembling modules that control various aspects of the synth signal flow yourself. The idea is that you might well end up with a collection of sounds that no other musician on the planet has. But how can you safely explore this phenomenon from the comfort of your own computer? Well, you’ve come to the right place, as this feature is designed to cover everything Eurorack!


Eurorack is a truly creative beast, and it’s one that has many heads and viewpoints. Many of these are specific to the sort of music you may wish to make, but we have to address the modular-elephantine-beast in the room and discuss why anyone might want to go down the path of modular, when there are perfectly good software modulars available? The answer to this is

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