More from BBC Sky at Night

BBC Sky at Night1 min read
Need To Know
Universal Time (UT) is the standard time used by astronomers around the world. British Summer Time (BST) is one hour ahead of UT These coordinates are the night sky's equivalent of longitude and latitude, describing where an object is on the celestia
BBC Sky at Night5 min read
Astronomy Photographer Of The Year
Once again, photographers from around the globe have submitted their best images as they vie for the title of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024. Over 700 individuals submitted a total of 3,741 entries, from which the judges have selected the ve
BBC Sky at Night1 min read
Gaia Recovers From Double Trouble
ESA's Gaia spacecraft suffered a double whammy of bad luck after being hit by a micrometeorite and then a solar storm. Since December 2013, the spacecraft has monitored the positions of over a billion stars. Knowing Gaia would be struck by many micro

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