You South Africa


IF YOUR new year’s resolutions have already been ditched, know you’re not alone. But don’t wallow or feel bad – this could actually be a good thing.

What if, instead of being motivated by guilt and shame, we leverage our worst habits to serve us better? Being lazier, less mindful, more disorganised and slower might actually make us more successful, productive and happier.

Here’s how.


Kendra Adachi, podcast host and author of The Lazy Genius Way, is a productivity expert who isn’t necessarily into making people more productive.

Instead, she’s interested in helping us figure out exactly which things in our lives matter to us, how we can do them well, then be lazy – although cleverly so – about everything else we like less, like laundry or cooking.

We should organise our lives in ways that reflect what’s genuinely important to us, she says – rather than what matters to our parents, colleagues or friends. Then let other things go even when that’s socially uncomfortable.

For Adachi, an example was accepting that she wouldn’t be the kind of mother who volunteered in her children’s school, but could be the kind who donated

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