ASIAN Geographic

The History of Medical Marijuana

Marijuana, or cannabis, has a long history of human use.

While the plant is criminalised under several Asian systems, it’s not known to many that cannabis originated in Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Indeed, it is theorised to be one of the first plants cultivated by mankind.

The cannabis plant, or hemp plant, was introduced via trade with other regions including Africa, Europe and eventually, America. Hemp fibre was used to make clothing, paper, sails, and ropes, and the nutritious seeds extracted from the plant were used in a common man’s diet.

Cannabis has been used across age-old rituals and many medicinal purposes that are a substantial facet of many ancient cultures. Either inhaled or ingested, the plant’s many healing properties have been brought to light over the centuries.

Early Evidence of Cannabis Use

According to research published in the journal in 2019, the earliest evidence of cannabis

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