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The Beginning Of The Welsh Marches Y Mers
Without a direct land route, the Britons on either side of the Severn estuary were less able to support each other. The kingdom of Dumnonia found itself under increasing pressure from the West Saxons, losing the Battle of Beandun (Badbury) in 614, th
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Parting Shots
I wanted to make telegraph poles for an American Civil War scenario I have been working on. After the customary research, I discovered that the poles were tapered. So, what would be best way to make them in 28mm? The answer was staring me right in th
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy11 min read
Refighting A Roman Civil War In The Aegean The Philippi Campaign
FEATURE Leaving Lepidus behind to keep the peace in Rome, Marc Antony and Octavian took their forces eastwards to fight Brutus and Cassius. They finally defeated them at the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC. What is less well known is the considerable nav
