
Pine Bookcase

Over the last 45 years, bookcases have been some of the most popular furniture projects we’ve featured in Woodsmith. As a result, there have been a lot of them. The designers, Chris, John, and Dillon, work at finding different approaches.

John had the bookcase card in this hand, and you can see what he came up with here. There are three characteristics I want to point out. First, is the size. Its small scale allows it to tuck into a bedroom or a reading corner of a family room. The profile is modeled after an antique he found for his own house — sometimes the ideas come to you.

The second feature is that in drawing up the bookcase, John noticed that with some care, you can build it from a pair of 8'-long 1x12s. That makes the thrifty ones among us smile in satisfaction. Of course, you can use whatever material you like for this design.

The final

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