You South Africa



Recently we visited a place of safety. At security, everyone must sign in. The stone building looks like an ordinary residence with large lawns and a nice playground.

A group of laughing children catch my eye. One little one introduces himself. The little girl next to me talks nonstop. Later she is the tour leader who takes us through their bedrooms. Everyone has the same bedding. The partitioned rooms inside the big dorm are neat – a contrast from my children’s rooms.

In the courtyard we play games. Between the children’s laughter, I see the curled wire along the gutters against the roof. A sadness hit me.

I chat with an elderly woman with soft eyes and a friendly smile. For 40 years, the children have been her passion. Next year she turns 60 – her retirement year.

The children’s cheerfulness is noticeable. It feels like they are climbing into my heart.

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