The Threepenny Review

A Perfect Bradbury

A CHANCE DISCOVERY at midday. In the library, hidden behind Flaubert's novels, I find—dusty but intact, unseen for more than a quarter of a century—my much-missed, long-lost first issue of the fantasy and science-fiction magazine Minotauro, published in 1964. That same year, the magazine began to appear in bookshops alongside the novels included in the series of the same name, and was, in fact, the Spanish version of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

That first issue contained stories by Knight, Bradbury, Boucher, Leiber, Clarke, Reed, Anderson, Bester, and Ballard. The person who gave it to me was the first ever to declare that she wanted to be my friend, and yet we met, but then I never saw her again and haven't heard a word from her in the last forty-five years.

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