Quilters Companion

Prairie Moon


Finished size: 153.5cm (60½in) square Finished block size: 8in square


• 1.3m (1⅜yd) navy print fabric (patchwork, Borders 1 and 3 and binding)
• 17 fat quarters of assorted print fabrics
• 40cm (½yd) each of six assorted cream print fabrics
• 3.5m (3¾yd) backing fabric
• Batting at least 170cm (68in) square
• Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
• Sewing machine with ¼in foot
• General sewing supplies


From the navy print fabric, cut:

• one square, 8½in (Snowball block)
• four squares, 2½in (Snowball block)
• 13 strips, 1½in x width of fabric (Borders 1 and 3). Put 12 of them aside; cross cut the remaining strip to yield eight rectangles, 1½in x 4½in (Border 2)
• seven strips, 2½in x width of fabric (binding)

From each of the 17 fat quarters of assorted print fabrics, cut:

• one square, 8½in (Snowball block)
• four squares, 2½in (Snowball block)
• six squares, 3½in (Signature block)

From the remainder of four of the 17 fat quarters, cut:

• one square, 4½in (Border 2

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