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Performance-Based Gear Metrology: Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis
Performance-Based Gear Metrology: Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis
Performance-Based Gear Metrology: Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis
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Performance-Based Gear Metrology: Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis

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A mathematically rigorous explanation of how manufacturing deviations and damage on the working surfaces of gear teeth cause transmission-error contributions to vibration excitations

Some gear-tooth working-surface manufacturing deviations of significant amplitude cause negligible vibration excitation and noise, yet others of minuscule amplitude are a source of significant vibration excitation and noise.   Presently available computer-numerically-controlled dedicated gear metrology equipment can measure such error patterns on a gear in a few hours in sufficient detail to enable accurate computation and diagnosis of the resultant transmission-error vibration excitation.   How to efficiently measure such working-surface deviations, compute from these measurements the resultant transmission-error vibration excitation, and diagnose the manufacturing source of the deviations, is the subject of this book. 

Use of the technology in this book will allow quality spot checks to be made on gears being manufactured in a production run, to avoid undesirable vibration or noise excitation by the manufactured gears.  Furthermore, those working in academia and industry needing a full mathematical understanding of the relationships between tooth working-surface deviations and the vibration excitations caused by these deviations will find the book indispensable for applications pertaining to both gear-quality and gear-health monitoring.

Key features:

  • Provides a very efficient method for measuring parallel-axis helical or spur gears in sufficient detail to enable accurate computation of transmission-error contributions from working-surface deviations, and algorithms required to carry out these computations, including examples
  • Provides algorithms for computing the working-surface deviations causing any user-identified tone, such as ‘ghost tones,’ or ‘sidebands’ of the tooth-meshing harmonics, enabling diagnosis of their manufacturing causes, including examples
  • Provides explanations of all harmonics observed in gear-caused vibration and noise spectra.
  • Enables generation of three-dimensional displays and detailed numerical descriptions of all measured and computed working-surface deviations, including examples
Release dateNov 9, 2012
Performance-Based Gear Metrology: Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis

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    Performance-Based Gear Metrology - William D. Mark

    This edition first published 2013

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Mark, William D.

    Performance-based gear metrology: kinematic-transmission-error computation and diagnosis / William D. Mark.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-1-119-96169-7 (cloth)

    1. Motor vehicles– Transmission devices. 2. Motor vehicles– Vibration– Measurement.

    3. Gearing– Vibration– Measurement. 4. Gearing– Vibration– Mathematical models. I. Title.

    TL262.M37 2013

    621.8'330287– dc23


    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    Print ISBN: 9781119961697

    This book is dedicated to my wife Nancy.


    A fictitious pair of meshing parallel-axis spur or helical gears with rigid equispaced perfect involute tooth-working-surfaces would transmit an exactly constant speed ratio. Real gears are not rigid, and their working surfaces contain intentional geometric modifications and manufacturing errors which together comprise the geometric working-surface deviations of the individual teeth. The combined elastic deformations and geometric working-surface deviations cause a time-varying perturbation superimposed on the otherwise transmission of an exactly constant speed ratio. At high operating speeds, gear-system inertial properties will affect this time-varying perturbation. The resultant time-varying perturbation superimposed on the transmission of a constant speed ratio is called the transmission error.

    For sufficiently slow operating speeds, inertial effects become negligible. If a gear-pair is operating at such a slow speed and transmitting a constant load or torque, the above-described time-varying perturbation is called the static transmission error, which is the principal source of vibratory excitation arising from a meshing-gear-pair. The static transmission error has two components, one arising from loading-dependent elastic deformations and the other arising from geometric deviations of the working surfaces from equispaced perfect involute surfaces. This latter component, which is inertia and loading independent, is the kinematic transmission-error contribution. It is caused by geometric deviations of the working surfaces of the individual teeth on a gear from equispaced perfect involute surfaces. The purpose of gear metrology equipment is to measure such deviations or their contributions to the transmission error.

    The subject of gear metrology (Scoles and Kirk, 1969; Goch, 2003) generally is subdivided into two different measurement disciplines: elemental measurements such as tooth spacing, profile, lead (alignment), and so on, and functional measurements such as single-flank or double-flank measurements. The introduction of computer numerically controlled (CNC) dedicated gear measurement equipment now allows a gear-measurement machine to be programmed to measure a gear in great detail, with no operator interaction, permitting the operator to carry out other tasks while the gear is being measured. Although the machine measurements made on each tooth, for example, profile or lead, are elemental measurements, if they are made in sufficient detail they describe the working-surface deviations of all of the teeth on the measured gear. Hence, such a detailed measurement set contains all of the tooth-deviation information that is exercised in a functional test, such as a single-flank test.

    It therefore is possible, in principle, to compute the working-surface-deviation contributions, provided by a single measured gear, to the contribution that gear would provide if mated with another gear and run in a single-flank test. The method to compute this contribution, obtained from CNC gear metrology measurements, to yield the contribution of the measured gear to the static transmission error obtainable from a single-flank test, is the subject of this book. This contribution is the kinematic (force and mass independent) contribution of the measured gear to its transmission error contribution (Merritt, 1971, p. 84). The analysis is carried out for parallel-axis helical and spur gears with nominally involute working surfaces.

    Useful diagnostic methods are also included: specifically, methods to compute working-surface deviations that are the cause of any user-identified transmission-error rotational harmonic, for example, sideband harmonics and ghost-tone harmonics. This capability should enable a user to identify the manufacturing source and working-surface amplitude causing any such identified harmonic. It also should enable the reader and user to understand the causes of such harmonics.

    Linear-system methods have been used to carry out the analysis and to organize the book. Such analysis methods generally involve an input to a linear system which operates on (modifies) the input, yielding an output – that is, system response. The relationship between input and output, when described in the frequency domain is a product, and the system characterization in the frequency domain is called a transfer function. A brief description of this approach to general systems can be found in Lanczos (1956, pp. 248–259). A more comprehensive treatment is found in Gaskill (1978) Chapters 1–9.

    In the present application, the input is the geometric deviations from equispaced perfect involute surfaces of the working surfaces of all teeth on the subject gear within the same rectangular contact region on the working surfaces. Involute gear geometry is described in Baxter (1962), Buckingham (1949) Chapters 4 and 8; Lynwander (1983) Chapter 2; and comprehensively in Colbourne (1987). Chapter 2 of this book summarizes properties of involute helical gears required in the remainder of the book.

    A method to mathematically represent these system input working-surface geometric deviations is required and described in Chapter 3. For a number of reasons described in Chapter 1, normalized two-dimensional Legendre polynomials have been chosen to represent the working-surface deviations. Accessible treatments of Legendre polynomials can be found in Jackson (1941) and Bell (1968).

    Because sufficiently accurate currently available CNC gear-measurement machines are capable of making only line-scanning radial (profile) measurements and/or line-scanning axial (lead, that is, alignment) measurements, a method to effectively interpolate between these line-scanning measurements is required. The method of Gaussian quadrature (Lanczos, 1956, pp. 396–400; Cheney, 1982, pp. 110–111; Hildebrand, 1974, pp. 387–392) is used to evaluate the Legendre polynomial expansion coefficients, which also interpolates the line-scanning measurements. The basis for Gaussian quadrature is the Lagrange interpolation formula (Lanczos, 1961, pp. 5, 6).

    Because a gear is circular, one normally would expect Fourier series (Lanczos, 1956, p. 254; Gaskill, 1978, p. 107) to be the appropriate frequency-domain representation of the above-described working-surface-deviation system input functions. But as shown heuristically at the beginning of Chapter 4, and rigorously required as explained in Chapter 1, because the working-surface deviations at any single fixed location on the N tooth-working-surfaces on a gear are a set of N equispaced discrete working-surface-deviation samples, the Fourier series representation of this discrete sequence of N samples reduces to the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of this sequence of samples. Cooley, Lewis, and Welch (1969, 1972) call, what is generally called the DFT, the Finite Fourier Transform, and treat it not as an approximation to the continuous Fourier transform, but rather, as the exact counterpart to Fourier series, but defined on a discrete set of N (equispaced) samples, which is periodic with period N. Their treatment is the exact mathematical tool required for description of the system input tooth-working-surface geometric deviations eventually leading to computation of the kinematic contribution to transmission-error vibratory excitations. The inverse DFT provides the necessary formulation for computation of the working-surface deviations that are the cause of any specific rotational-harmonic contribution to the kinematic transmission error. Beginning with Chapter 4, use of complex variables is required. An excellent summary of their properties can be found in Hildebrand (1976) Chapter 10.

    The analysis required to describe the system input through Chapter 4 is relatively straightforward, but the exact analysis required to compute the kinematic transmission-error contributions is significantly more involved. Yet, conceptually, the computed effect on the working-surface deviations of the meshing action with a mating gear is very simple: it is an averaging action on the working-surface deviations. How this averaging action takes place is described in Chapter 5, but without the detailed analysis required to compute it, which is put off until Chapter 7. Each two-dimensional normalized Legendre-polynomial representation term of the working-surface deviations has its own system transfer function, which describes the above-mentioned averaging action on the working-surface deviations for that particular two-dimensional Legendre term. Hence, we have called these individual transfer functions mesh-attenuation functions.

    Analytical approximations to these individual mesh-attenuation functions are provided in Chapter 6, which enable the reader to understand the physical sources of transmission-error low-order rotational harmonics, so-called sideband harmonics of the tooth-meshing harmonics, and ghost tones.

    The detailed derivation of the mesh-attenuation functions and reduction of all results to real (not complex) quantities is provided in Chapter 7, including formulas for representing kinematic transmission-error contributions in the frequency domain as a function of rotational harmonic number, and in the time domain as a function of gear rotational position. At one step in the derivations the Jacobian (Hildebrand, 1976, p. 353) of a coordinate transformation is required.

    Because a major purpose of the book is to provide the means to measure a gear and compute the kinematic-transmission-error contributions from such measurements, the measurement requirements, and formulas for computing the kinematic transmission error in time and frequency domains, are summarized in Chapter 8, along with useful metrics of transmission-error contributions.

    General Background References

    Gear Metrology

    Goch, G. (2003) Gear metrology. CIRP Annals–Manufacturing Technology, 52 (2), 659–695.

    Scoles, C.A. and Kirk, R. (1969) Gear Metrology, Macdonald & Co., London.

    The book by Scoles and Kirk is useful for general gear metrology terminology and practice; the article by Goch reviews the state of the art as of 2003. The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) has a number of publications pertaining to gear metrology.

    Involute Gears

    Baxter, M.L. Jr. (1962) Basic theory of gear-tooth action and generation, in Gear Handbook, Chapter 1, 1st edn (ed. D.W. Dudley), McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 1-1, 1-21.

    Buckingham, E. (1949) Analytical Mechanics of Gears, McGraw-Hill, New York. Republished by Dover, New York.

    Colbourne, J.R. (1987) The Geometry of Involute Gears, Springer-Verlag, New York.

    Lynwander, P. (1983) Gear Drive Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York.

    Merritt, H.E. (1971) Gear Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

    Baxter, Buckingham, and Lynwander describe properties of involute gear teeth. Colburne's treatment is comprehensive. Merritt discusses Kinematic Error. In Chapter 2, I have attempted to describe all involute properties required in the remainder of the book.

    Linear Systems

    Gaskill, J.D. (1978) Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

    Lanczos, C. (1956) Applied Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Republished by Dover, New York.

    Lanczos provides brief treatments of complex Fourier series, Fourier integral transform, and linear-system input-output relations. Gaskill provides a more comprehensive treatment of these topics, including the convolution operation and two-dimensional systems.

    Legendre Polynomials

    Bell, W.W. (1968) Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers, D. Van Nostrand, London. Republished by Dover, Mineola, NY.

    Jackson, D. (1941) Fourier Series and Orthogonal Polynomials, Mathematical Association of America, Buffalo, NY. Republished by Dover, Mineola, NY.

    Jackson and Bell both discuss expansions of arbitrary functions in series of Legendre polynomials. Jackson proves convergence and the important unweighted least-squares property of expansions in Legendre polynomials.

    Gaussian Quadrature

    Cheney, E.W. (1982) Introduction to Approximation Theory, 2nd edn, Chelsea, New York.

    Hildebrand, F.B. (1974) Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. Republished by Dover, New York.

    Lanczos, C. (1956) Applied Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Republished by Dover, New York.

    Lanczos, C. (1961) Linear Differential Operators, D. Van Nostrand, London.

    Lanczos (1956) provides an exceptionally clear treatment and explanation of the remarkable properties of Gaussian quadrature. The basis for this treatment is the Lagrangian interpolation formula which he derives with exceptional clarity in Lanczos (1961). Cheney provides a clear statement of the accuracy capability of Gaussian quadrature and provides a convergence proof. Hildebrand (1974) provides convenient formulas for the weights required in evaluation of Gaussian quadrature integrations.

    Discrete Fourier Transform

    Cooley, J.W., Lewis, P.A.W., and Welch, P.D. (1969) The finite fourier transform. IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, AU-17, 77–85. Reprinted in Rabiner, L.R. and Rader, C.M. (eds) (1972) Digital Signal Processing, IEEE Press, New York, pp. 251–259.

    This paper develops Fourier analysis for a periodic function defined on N (equispaced) integers j = 0,1,2,…, N − 1. It is the exact Fourier theory required for representation of deviations of the working surfaces of gear teeth from equispaced perfect involute surfaces. It is absolutely fundamental to the developments contained in this book.

    Complex Variables

    Hildebrand, F.B. (1976) Advanced Calculus for Applications, 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

    Chapter 10 of Hildebrand provides a convenient summary of properties of complex variables. Section 7.4 on pp. 352–353 also includes a treatment of Jacobians, which are required for a coordinate transformation carried out in Chapter 7.

    Further Reading

    Drago, R.J. (1988) Fundamentals of Gear Design, Butterworths, Boston.

    Dudley, D.W. (1984) Handbook of Practical Gear Design, McGraw-Hill, New York.

    Smith, J.D. (2003) Gear Noise and Vibration, 2nd edn, Marcel Dekker, New York.

    Townsend, D.P. (ed.) (1991) Dudley's Gear Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York.


    I first wish to acknowledge the superb software skills of Dr. Cameron P. Reagor <[email protected]>, who wrote all of the software used in the transmission-error and working-surface computations displayed in this book, and who carried out these computations.

    Preparation of this book has been partially supported by The AGMA Foundation through the Gear Research Institute located at Penn State University's Applied Research Laboratory. This support is most gratefully acknowledged. Refinements to analyses carried out earlier and preparation of software utilized in the transmission-error and diagnostic computations displayed herein were supported by the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Technology Program Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Competition through M&M Precision Systems Corporation. I am indebted to Al Lemanski for helping to facilitate this support. Additional refinements, documentation, and user-friendly software preparation were supported by the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR). All of this support is gratefully acknowledged.

    I also wish to acknowledge the collaborative work carried out with General Motors. The acoustical measurements and spectrum analysis of these measurements, yielding the continuous spectrum measurements shown in Figure 1.5, were carried out by GM, thereby enabling the correlation shown there between the kinematic transmission-error computation and the acoustic spectrum. GM also carried out on their Gleason M&M metrology equipment the repeated measurements and kinematic transmission-error computations described in Section 6.6, using the same gear as in our computations of Figures 6.7 and 6.8, and yielding virtually identical ghost-tone transmission-error amplitude, thereby verifying that such very small working-surface deviations causing ghost tones can be measured and their ghost-tone transmission-error amplitudes computed yielding virtually identical results to the results we had obtained using different Gleason M&M metrology equipment. The interest and efforts in this work of Neil Anderson (formally with GM) and Arvo Siismets of GM are gratefully acknowledged.

    The above-described remarkable consistency in computation of ghost-tone transmission-error amplitudes, resulting from gear measurements made on different Gleason M&M measurement machines, is a tribute to the very high quality of these machines. I also wish to acknowledge the many helpful discussions with Mark Cowan of Gleason M&M pertaining to the repeatability and accuracy of their machines.

    Modeling by my former students Matthew Alulis, Edward Jankowich, and William Welker showed that it is possible to accurately compute the tooth-stiffness characterization used in the analytical developments of Chapter 7 (but not required for computation of the kinematic transmission error of a measured gear).

    Earlier preliminary analytical developments and software implementations were carried out by the author at the firm of Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. The confidence in these developments shown by Sig Leimonas and George Nagorny enabled this effort to move forward. I also wish to gratefully acknowledge early software implementations carried out at BBN by Raya Stern, Bob Fabrizio, Ray Fischer, and especially Jeanne Hladky. Early discussions with Dr. Fred Kern also were helpful. I most sincerely wish to express my appreciation to Professor Stephen H. Crandall for making all of this possible.

    The office and administrative assistance provided by The Pennsylvania State University Applied Research Laboratory Drivetrain Technology Center, and the encouragement by Dr. Suren Rao, have made the task of manuscript preparation much easier than it would have been without these accommodations. I am especially indebted to Linda L. Jones for word processing of the manuscript and to Lawrence C. Miller for final preparation of the figures.

    Chapter 1


    As described in the Preface, the subject of this book is how to efficiently measure a gear and compute from these measurements the kinematic (force and mass independent) contribution of the measured gear to its transmission error, how to compute the working-surface-deviations that are the cause of any user-identified transmission-error rotational harmonic, and how to understand the relationship between such working-surface-deviations and the resultant rotational-harmonic contributions caused by these deviations.

    Using computer numerically controlled (CNC) dedicated gear metrology equipment, measurements on a helical gear in sufficient detail to accurately carry out the above-described computations can take from a few to several hours. Hence, this methodology is not generally suitable for continuous production checking, but it is suitable, and is being used, for intermittent checking. Because the manufacturing errors generated by each individual manufacturing machine generally are consistent from one manufactured gear to another in a manufacturing run, it is sensible to regard the methods described herein as suitable for assessing the quality of a particular manufacturing machine, or process. Furthermore, because transmission-error contributions from working-surface errors are caused by the collective working-surface error pattern of all teeth on a gear, the methods described herein also may be suitable for establishing performance-based gear-accuracy standards.

    The analytical relationships derived herein between tooth-working-surface-deviations and resulting transmission-error frequency spectra allow the reader to understand the causes of certain transmission-error tones, such as sideband tones and ghost tones. Moreover, because tooth damage, such as surface damage and bending-fatigue damage, cause transmission-error contributions in the same manner as manufacturing deviations, the analysis contained herein is applicable to gear-health monitoring considerations.

    Because the means by which a gear must be measured to enable computation of its kinematic transmission-error contributions, and the method of kinematic transmission-error computation, both involve considerable detail, a general orientation to the content of the book is described in the remainder of this Introduction. It is hoped this orientation might give the reader a broad perspective before he or she begins working through the details of the analysis.

    1.1 Transmission Error

    The transmission error of a meshing-gear-pair describes the deviation from the transmission of an exactly constant speed ratio. It can be displayed in the time domain as a function of the rotational position of one of the two meshing gears, or in the frequency domain. The transmission error is the principal source of vibration excitation caused by meshing-gear-pairs, for example, Mark (1992b), Smith (2003), and Houser (2007). The subject of this book is transmission-error contributions caused by geometric deviations from equispaced perfect involute surfaces of the tooth-working-surfaces of parallel-axis helical or spur gears. Because an idealized pair of parallel-axis helical gears, each with equispaced rigid perfect involute teeth would transmit an exactly constant speed ratio, the transmission-error contribution from each gear of a meshing-pair of nominally involute gears is the instantaneous deviation of the position of that gear from the position of its rigid perfect involute counterpart. Therefore, as described earlier in Chapter 3 by Equation (3.2), and in more detail in Chapters 5 and 7, the transmission-error contributions from each of two meshing gears are additive to yield the transmission error of the gear-pair. Consequently, especially with regard to the geometric deviations of the working-surfaces from equispaced perfect involute surfaces, it is rigorously meaningful to define and compute the transmission-error contribution arising from the geometric deviations of the working-surfaces of a single gear.

    Frequency Spectrum

    Vibration analyses and measurements are very often carried out in the frequency domain. It generally is impossible to directly measure the source of vibration; normally what is measured is the structural response, or in the case of noise, the acoustic response. Because the structural path between source of vibration and response measurement location is usually well modeled as a linear time-invariant system, source vibration tones retain their identity between source and receiver, although their amplitudes and phases are affected by the transmission media. But such media normally cause substantial changes in temporal vibration signals.

    Because gears are circular and normally have equispaced teeth, dealing with their vibration signatures in the frequency domain is especially useful. Thus, dealing only with a single gear of a meshing-pair, as described above, because the gear is circular, its fundamental rotational frequency has a period of one gear rotation, and all of its harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency associated with one gear rotation.

    Figure 1.1 is a sketch of the stronger harmonics that typically are observed from a single gear. The harmonic labeled 1 near the origin is the fundamental frequency associated with the rotational period of the gear. All harmonics shown are integer multiples of this fundamental rotational harmonic. If the gear has N teeth, then the Nth rotational harmonic is the tooth-meshing fundamental harmonic. The period of the tooth-meshing fundamental is the gear rotation period divided by the number N of teeth. The first heavy harmonic, rotational harmonic N in Figure 1.1, is the tooth-meshing fundamental. Also shown heavy is another harmonic at rotational harmonic 2N, which is twice the frequency of the tooth-meshing fundamental harmonic. These two harmonics are labeled A. In the neighborhoods of these tooth-meshing-harmonics are so-called sideband rotational harmonics labeled C. Also shown are low-order rotational harmonics 1, 2, … labeled B, and a ghost-tone rotational harmonic labeled D. The physical sources of all such harmonics are explained in this book. Although not shown, unless a gear is geometrically perfect, there normally will be weak contributions to all integer multiples of the rotational fundamental harmonic.

    Figure 1.1 Sketch of dominant rotational harmonics caused by a single gear of a meshing-pair operating at constant speed and transmitting constant loading. Abscissa labels rotational-harmonic numbers n = 1, 2, … The period of rotational harmonic n = 1 is the rotation period of the gear. All harmonics are integer multiples of n = 1. Rotational harmonic n = N is the tooth-meshing fundamental harmonic with period equal to the gear rotation period divided by the number of teeth, N. Low-order rotational harmonics B and sideband harmonics C typically are strong. Ghost tone, when present, is labeled D (Adapted from Mark (1991))


    When a frequency analysis of the structural response to the vibration excitation caused by a pair of meshing gears operating at constant speed and loading is carried out, a superposition of two such spectra as that shown in Figure 1.1 is obtained. Because of the manner in which the teeth of the two gears mesh, the locations of the tooth-meshing-harmonics A from each of the two meshing gears will coincide, but generally, the locations of all other rotational harmonics will differ, because the rotation periods of the two individual gears generally will differ (unless they both have the same number of teeth).

    Physical Sources of Harmonic Contributions

    It is important to understand the physical sources of the various harmonics shown in Figure 1.1. If the subject gear is geometrically perfect, such that every tooth is geometrically identical with no spacing errors and modified (e.g., with tip and end relief) exactly the same, then the only harmonics that would be present in Figure 1.1 would be the tooth-meshing-harmonics labeled A (assuming exactly constant rotational speed and loading). These tooth-meshing-harmonics A are caused by deviations of the elastically deformed teeth from perfect involute surfaces. Such deviations are the combined superposition of intentional (and unintentional) geometric modifications of the teeth and tooth/gearbody elastic deformations. (This fact is easily understood from the observation that if all elastically deformed tooth-working-surfaces are identical with no spacing errors, the only lack of smooth transmission is that associated with a period equal to the tooth-meshing period.) Hence, the generation of all rotational harmonics B, C, and D is caused by geometric variations of the individual tooth-working-surfaces from the mean (average) modification (intentional or otherwise) of the working-surfaces, assuming constant speed and constant loading. These deviations causing rotational harmonics B, C, and D thus are tooth-to-tooth geometric variations of the working-surfaces, including tooth-spacing errors, from the mean working-surface. Computation of the transmission-error amplitudes of these rotational harmonics, and diagnosing their working-surface sources, is the principal subject

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