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Industrial Gas Flaring Practices
Industrial Gas Flaring Practices
Industrial Gas Flaring Practices
Ebook329 pages1 hour

Industrial Gas Flaring Practices

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This volume tackles for the first time in decades the world's gas flaring practices, a difficult, hot-button issue of our time, whose consequences are only just beginning to be understood. The book examines both the technical and environmental aspects of gas flaring, highlights different flare designs, and presents real-world case studies illustrating the proper use of gas flaring and how to avoid polluting flaring events. The only guide of its kind, this remarkable book can help professionals in the oil and gas industry take an important step toward reducing worldwide CO2 emissions.
Release dateApr 1, 2013
Industrial Gas Flaring Practices

Nicholas P Cheremisinoff

Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D. (Ch.E.) is Director of Clean Technologies and Pollution Prevention Projects at PERI (Princeton Energy Resources International, LLC, Rockville, MD). He has led hundreds of pollution prevention audits and demonstrations; training programs on modern process design practices and plant safety; environmental management and product quality programs; and site assessments and remediation plans for both public and private sector clients throughout the world. He frequently serves as expert witness on personal injury and third-party property damage litigations arising from environmental catastrophes. Dr. Cheremisinoff has contributed extensively to the literature of environmental and chemical engineering as author, co-author, or editor of 150 technical reference books, including Butterworth-Heinemann’s Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment, and Green Profits. He holds advanced degrees in chemical engineering from Clarkson College of Technology."

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    Book preview

    Industrial Gas Flaring Practices - Nicholas P Cheremisinoff

    Chapter 1

    Principles of Combustion

    1.1 Introduction

    Flaring is defined as the controlled burning of off gases in the course of routine oil and gas or chemical manufacturing operations. This burning or combustion is accomplished at the end of a flare stack or boom.

    Combustion is often described as a simple chemical reaction in which oxygen from the atmosphere reacts rapidly with a substance, generating heat. But it is in fact a very complex series of chemical reactions. The most common organic compounds are hydrocarbons, which are composed of carbon and hydrogen. The simplest hydrocarbon is methane, each molecule of which consists of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. It is the first compound in the family known as alkanes. The physical properties of alkanes change with increasing number of carbon atoms in the molecule, those with one to four being gases, those with five to ten being volatile liquids, those with 11 to 18 being heavier fuel oils and those with 19 to 40 being lubricating oils. Longer carbon chain hydrocarbons are tars and waxes. The first ten alkanes are:

    CH4 methane (gas)

    C6H14 hexane (liquid)

    C2H6 ethane (gas)

    C7H16 heptane (liquid)

    C3H8 propane (gas)

    C8H18 octane (liquid)

    C4H10 butane (gas)

    C9H20 nonane (liquid)

    C5H12 pentane (liquid)

    C10H22 decane (liquid)

    Alkenes are similar but their molecular structure includes double bonds (examples are ethylene and propylene). Alkynes contain triple bonds (example is acetylene). The above compounds are all known as aliphatics. Aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene have a ring molecular structure and burn with a smoky flame.

    When hydrocarbons burn they react with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide and water (although if the combustion is incomplete because there is insufficient oxygen, carbon monoxide will also form).

    More complex organic compounds contain elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, bromine, or fluorine, and if these burn, the products of combustion will include other compounds as well. For example, substances containing sulfur such as oil or coal will result in sulfur dioxide whilst those containing chlorine such as methyl chloride or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will result in hydrogen chloride.

    This chapter focuses on combustion principles which are essential to the selection and safe operation of flares. Without a fundamental understanding of combustion principles, the proper selection of and safe operation of flares are not possible. Note also that Appendix A contains various physical and thermodynamic properties data for gases. The information has been assembled for the more knowledgeable reader to aid in any preliminary calculations for estimating flare sizes, specifying flow conditions, and determining flammability.

    1.2 Combustion Basics

    Combustion is a chemical reaction, and specifically it is an oxidation reaction. Oxidation is defined as the chemical combination of oxygen with any substance. In other words, whenever oxygen (and some other materials) combines chemically with a substance, that substance is said to have been oxidized. Rust is an example of oxidized iron. In this case the chemical reaction is very slow. The very rapid oxidation of a substance is called combustion.

    There are three basic explanations that are used to describe the reaction known as combustion. They are the fire triangle, the tetrahedron of fire, and the life cycle of fire. Of the three, the first is the oldest and best known, the second is accepted as more fully explaining the chemistry of combustion, while the third is a more detailed version of the fire triangle.

    The fire triangle explanation is simplistic, but provides a basic understanding of the three entities that are necessary for a fire to occur. This theory states that there are three things necessary to support combustion:


    oxygen (or an oxidizer); and

    heat (or energy).

    These three components can be represented as the three sides of a triangle, stating that as long as the triangle is not complete, that is, the legs are not touching each other to form the closed or completed triangle, combustion cannot take place. See Figure 1.1.

    Figure 1.1 The fire triangle.

    The theory or explanation, as stated, is correct. Without fuel to burn, there can be no fire. If there is no oxygen present, there can be no fire (technically, this is not correct, but we can make the fire triangle theory technically correct by changing the oxygen leg to an oxidizer leg). Finally, without heat or a source of energy, there can be no fire. This last statement must also be brought up to date. The fact is that heat is just one form of energy: it is really energy that is necessary to start a fire. This difference is mentioned because there are some instances where light or some other form of energy may be what is needed to start the combustion reaction. It is best to change the heat leg of the fire triangle to the energy leg. Therefore, our fire triangle has three sides representing fuel, oxidizer, and energy.

    A fuel is anything that will burn. Fuels may be categorized into the following classes:

    Elements (which include the metals, and some nonmetals such as carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus);


    Carbohydrates (including mixtures that are made up partially of cellulose, like wood and paper);

    Many covalently bonded gases (including carbon monoxide, ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide); and

    All other organically based compounds.

    We are only concerned with gaseous and vapor streams that include hydrocarbons, covalently bonded gases, and of course organically based waste gas streams when it comes to flaring operations.

    The list of materials that will combust is quite long, and one must not forget that the list includes not only the pure substances such as the elements and compounds that make up the list, but mixtures of those elements and compounds. Examples of mixtures would include natural gas, which is a mixture of methane (principally), ethane, and a few other compounds, and gasoline, which is a mixture of the first six liquid alkanes (pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, and decane), plus a few other compounds.

    The oxidizer leg of the triangle usually refers to air, since it is the most common oxidizing agent encountered and is readily available. Oxygen does not burn. It is consumed during combustion.

    The third leg of the fire triangle, the energy leg, provides the source of energy needed to start the combustion process. This energy can be provided in one or more of several ways. The energy can be generated chemically by the combustion of some other fuel, or it can be generated by some other exothermic chemical reaction. An exothermic reaction is defined as the emission or liberation of heat (or energy). This is the opposite of endothermic, which is defined as the taking-in or absorption of heat (or energy).

    Energy may also be generated by mechanical action, that is, the application of physical force by one body upon another. Examples of this are the energy created by the friction of one matter upon another or the compression of a gas. The force of friction in one case may produce energy that manifests itself as heat, while friction in the other case may result in a discharge of static electricity. Static electricity is created whenever molecules move over and past other molecules. This happens whether the moving molecules are in the form of a gas, a liquid, or a solid. This is the reason why leaking natural gas under high pressure will ignite. This is also the reason why two containers must be bonded – connected by an electrical conductor – when you are pouring flammable liquids from one container to another. In any case, the amount of energy present and/or released could be more than enough to start the combustion reaction.

    A third method of generation of energy is electrical, which is the preferred method of igniting flares. This method manifests itself as heat, produced from an electrical circuit in combination with a gas pilot.

    The second popular explanation combustion is the tetrahedron theory. This theory encompasses the three concepts much like the fire triangle theory, but adds a fourth side to the triangle to make up a pyramid or tetrahedron. This fourth side is referred to as the chain reaction of combustion. The explanation states that when energy is applied to a fuel like a hydrocarbon, some of the carbon-to-carbon bonds break, leaving an unpaired electron attached to one of the molecular fragments caused by the cleavage of the bond, thus creating a free radical. This molecular fragment with the unpaired electron, or dangling bond, is highly reactive, and will therefore seek out some other material to react with in order to satisfy the octet rule. The same energy source that provided the necessary energy to break the carbon-to-carbon bond may have also broken some carbon-to-hydrogen bonds, creating more free radicals, and also broken some oxygen-to-oxygen bonds, creating oxide radicals. This mass breaking of bonds creates the free radicals in a particular space, and in a number large enough to be near each other, so as to facilitate the recombining of these free radicals with whatever other radicals or functional groups may be nearby. The breaking of these bonds releases the energy stored in them, so that this subsequent release of energy becomes the energy source for still more bond breakage, which in turn releases more energy. Thus the fire feeds upon itself by continuously creating and releasing more and more energy (the chain reaction), until one of several things happens: either the fuel is consumed, the oxygen is depleted, the energy is absorbed by something other than the fuel, or this chain reaction is broken. Thus, a fire usually begins as a very small amount of bond breakage by a relatively small energy (ignition) source and builds itself up higher and higher, until it becomes a raging inferno, limited only by the fuel present (a fuel-regulated fire) or the influx of oxygen (an oxygen-regulated fire). The earlier in the process that the reaction can be interrupted, the easier the extinguishment of the fire will be.

    Finally, the last explanation is the life cycle theory. According to this theory, the combustion process can be categorized by six steps, rather than the three of the fire triangle or the four of the tetrahedron of fire theory. Three of the steps in this theory are the same as the only three steps in the fire triangle theory. The first step is the input heat, which is defined as an amount of heat required to produce the evolution of vapors from a solid or liquid. The input heat will also be the ignition source and must be high enough to reach the ignition temperature of the fuel; it must be continuing and self-generating and must heat enough of the fuel to produce the vapors necessary to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the source of the fuel.

    The second part of the life cycle of fire theory is the fuel, essentially the same as the fuel in the tetrahedron of fire and the fire triangle. It was assumed without so stating in the fire triangle theory, and is true in all three theories, that the fuel must be in the proper form to burn; that is, it must have vaporized, or, in the case of a metal, almost the entire piece must be raised to the proper temperature before it will begin to burn. The third part is oxygen, in which the classical explanation of this theory only concerns itself with atmospheric oxygen, because the theory centers around the diffusion flame, which is the flame produced by a spontaneous mixture (as opposed to a pre-mixed mixture) of fuel gases or vapors and air. This theory concerns itself with air-regulated fires, so airflow is crucial to the theory; this is why only atmospheric oxygen is discussed. Ignoring oxygen and the halogens that are generated from oxidizing agents should be viewed as a flaw in this theory. The fourth part of the theory is proportioning, or the occurrence of intermolecular collisions between oxygen and the hydrocarbon molecule (the touching together of the oxidizer leg and the fuel leg of the fire triangle). The speed of the molecules and the number of collisions depend on the heat of the mixture of oxygen and fuel; the hotter the mixture, the higher the speed. A rule of thumb is used in chemistry that states the speed of any chemical reaction doubles for roughly every 18°F rise in temperature. The fifth step is mixing; that is, the ratio of fuel to oxygen must be right before ignition can occur (flammable range). Proper mixing after heat has been applied to the fuel to produce the vapors needed to burn is the reason for the backdraft explosion that occurs when a fresh supply of air is admitted to a room where a fire has been smoldering. The sixth step is ignition continuity, which is provided by the heat being radiated from the flame back to the surface of the fuel; this heat must be high enough to act as the input heat for the continuing cycle of fire. In a fire, chemical energy is converted to heat: if this heat is converted at a rate faster than the rate of heat loss from the fire, the heat of the fire increases; therefore, the reaction will proceed faster, producing more heat faster than it can be carried away from the fire, thus increasing the rate of reaction even more. When the rate of conversion of chemical energy falls below the rate of dissipation, the fire goes out. That is to say, the sixth step, ignition continuity, is also the first step of the next cycle, the input heat. If the rate of generation of heat is such that there is not enough energy to raise or maintain the heat of the reaction, the cycle will be broken, and the fire will go out. The life cycle of fire theory adds the concepts of flash point and ignition point (heat input) and flammable range.

    1.3 Physical Gas Laws

    We begin our discussion with the subject of physical gas laws which deal with pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) relationships. These relationships are important in determining material balances for any gaseous system and in calculating certain parameters when determining whether a flare is meeting compliance as stipulated on a permit. In most cases, one can assume ideal gas behavior and define the initial (1) and final (2) states of a gas as follows:

    (1.1) equation

    where T1 and T2 refer to absolute temperature, such as in Kelvin (°K). The generalized form of the ideal gas law is given by the following:

    (1.2) equation


    (1.3) equation

    where n, W, M, and P are the moles, weight, molecular weight, and density of the gas, respectively; R is a universal gas constant equal to 1.987 call(K•mol), 0.08205 L·atml(K•mol), or 8.314 J/(K•mol) depending upon the P-V units.

    As shown by the ideal gas law, the volume of gas will vary directly with absolute temperature and inversely with total pressure. In calculating the moles of gas, it is useful to know that the molar volume of any ideal gas will occupy 22.414 L at 1 atm and 273 K (0°C).

    For mixtures of ideal gases, the total pressure (Pt) is equal to the sum of the component partial pressures (Pt = P1 + P2 + …) and proportional to the total number of moles (Nt = n1 + n2 + …). Hence, the mole fraction (X) of a gaseous component (i) is:

    (1.4) equation

    100 Xi gives the mole or volume percent. For the vapors of ideal liquids, one may apply Raoult’s law:



    where Pi is

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