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The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland
The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland
The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland
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The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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The True Story Behind the Events on 9/11 that Inspired Broadway’s Smash Hit Musical Come from Away, Featuring All New Material from the Author

When 38 jetliners bound for the United States were forced to land at Gander International Airport in Canada by the closing of U.S. airspace on September 11, the population of this small town on Newfoundland Island swelled from 10,300 to nearly 17,000. The citizens of Gander met the stranded passengers with an overwhelming display of friendship and goodwill.

As the passengers stepped from the airplanes, exhausted, hungry and distraught after being held on board for nearly 24 hours while security checked all of the baggage, they were greeted with a feast prepared by the townspeople. Local bus drivers who had been on strike came off the picket lines to transport the passengers to the various shelters set up in local schools and churches. Linens and toiletries were bought and donated. A middle school provided showers, as well as access to computers, email, and televisions, allowing the passengers to stay in touch with family and follow the news.

Over the course of those four days, many of the passengers developed friendships with Gander residents that they expect to last a lifetime. As a show of thanks, scholarship funds for the children of Gander have been formed and donations have been made to provide new computers for the schools. This book recounts the inspiring story of the residents of Gander, Canada, whose acts of kindness have touched the lives of thousands of people and been an example of humanity and goodwill.

Release dateJul 12, 2011

Jim DeFede

Jim DeFede has been an award-winning journalist for sixteen years, first with the Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington, and then with the Miami New Times. His work has appeared in Talk, The New Republic, and Newsday. He is currently a metro columnist for the Miami Herald.

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Reviews for The Day the World Came to Town

Rating: 4.2898550724637685 out of 5 stars

69 ratings14 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a wholesome feel-good book that offers hope and encouragement during tragedy. However, some readers felt that the ending was underwhelming and that there were missing elements in the story, particularly regarding the portrayal of Muslim characters. Overall, the book is fascinating and provides an interesting perspective on the events after 9/11.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Feb 1, 2019

    Fascinating - great story of hope and encouragement during tragedy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Nov 14, 2024

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Dec 13, 2020

    I loved this book, but two things.. the ending was underwhelming. I guess it wa supposed to convey relief. And it felt like there was a big gaping hole that the author tip toed around .. Islam, Muslims... idk felt like the possibly Muslim characters were footnotes. Did no one get to know the girls from Iran? Were there no American Muslims on the planes in gander? I doubt it. It feels weird.
    It’s such a wholesome feel good book but some of the story has to be missing..
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Nov 25, 2019

    I’d never heard of this being where so many planes had been diverted after 9/11. Very interesting.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 12, 2023

    When ever humanity gets me down I pick up this book and remember their is some good in this world. On one of the worst days ever, there was also good.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 16, 2012

    I absolutely loved this book about the people of the small city of Gander, Newfoundland and the surrounding area, and how they coped with the influx of thousands of airliner passengers forced to land there when US airspace was closed on 9/11.There was so much to love about this book! Right off, Defede startled me into the realization that the US handed off some of our security nightmare to Canada, which the Canadians accepted without hesitation. After all, the fear was that there were more terrorists lurking on airplanes, right?The book takes a look at a number of folks whose travels and lives were interrupted by the plane diversion -- including (among others) the parents of a FDNY firefighter at Ground Zero, a couple returning to the US with a newly-adopted daughter, and a US general high up in the Army intelligence community.And then there are the "Newfies." The people of the Gander area went so far beyond allowing these people to land. They toook them to heart. They stripped their own beds so the visitors could have sheets. They invited strangers into their homes to shower, in those cases were the shelters lacked such facilities. They offered their telephones and internet connections and ears to hear sad stories. They cooked and commiserated. This book was filled with many, many heart-warming interactions between the Newfies and their guests.And in the process of reading, I learned a lot about Newfoundland, and the history of Gander -- and why in the world so many people wound up there on 9/11.I can't say enough good things about this book.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jul 3, 2012

    The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland is a book to read on a day when you just know that a good cry will make you feel so much better.When US airspace was closed on 9/11, 43,895 people were aboard airplanes diverted to Canadian airports. Thirty-eight planes, carrying 6,595 passengers landed in Gander, Newfoundland, a town of approximately 10,000 people.This book is the incredible story of the way in which the people of Gander responded to the events and took care of those stranded passengers and it will bring tears to your eyes.This is a book about triumph, not tragedy. It's a wonderful read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Mar 17, 2012

    The love and giving nature of the town of Gander, Newfoundland when planes diverted from United States airspace on September 11 had to land and disembark in their small town.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Dec 30, 2010

    I thoroughly enjoyed this book. On September 11, 2001, over three dozen planes landed unexpectedly in Gander, Newfoundland when American air space was closed. This is the story of how the 10,000 residents of Gander and neighbouring small towns prepared for and welcomed 6,000 shocked displaced travellers.I found the drama of trying to divert so many planes riveting. The issues that arose in handling so many unexpected guests, and how the town leaders and RCMP responded were also fascinating: nicotene gum for smokers held on airplanes; prescriptions to fill, animals in cargo holds; Kosher meals and many more challenges all met with generosity and understanding.The people who found themselves in Gander really did represent the world: a Nigerian princess, Beatles impersonators, CEOs, parents of a fire fighter lost in the World Trade Centre, women in burkas, parents bringing home babies adopted in Asia....the list is endless. Through it all, the Newfoundlanders welcomed people into their homes, took them sightseeing, even watched over them while they slept. It made me pround to be Canadian.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 26, 2011

    I haven't read any books that deal with 9/11. Though the events were ten years ago, they seem closer than that to me, and have shaped much of my adult life. I wanted to somehow commemorate the tenth anniversary of September 11, but I was afraid to read something that might turn dark and dismal. This story of townspeople reaching out to people whose planes were forced to land when U.S. airspace was shut down would be just the thing - true, yet uplifting. Still, especially in the beginning, when various people - pilots, air traffic controllers, the mayor of Gander - hear about or watch the planes fly into the towers, my heart starts pounding and my muscles tense. I find myself curling up tight in my chair, breathless. I didn't expect such a visceral response, or to feel instantly transported to the confusion and fear of that day, only my second week of college classes, the first class an English class from 9:30-11:15, our professor never breathing a word (did he not know?). And I remember how strange was the absence of the noise of airplanes, then the recurrence of them overhead. There were 6,132 passengers, plus pilots and crews, on the flights diverted to Gander, Newfoundland. The townspeople could have put up a few shelters, called in the Red Cross, and called it a day. Instead, DeFede tells the stories of ordinary and extraordinary kindnesses - people giving their own towels to shelters, opening their homes, offering rides, and filling prescriptions free of charge. The stories of 6,000+ people could not fit in one book, but the stories of several are told here, often switching back and forth quickly between people keeping events in roughly chronological order through the several days Gander and the surrounding towns embraced their unexpected guests. Their stories made me laugh and cry in turn. I can't promise that I'll read any other books about 9/11, but I'm certainly not disappointed I read this one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 16, 2010

    I don't think any of us will ever forget September 11, 2001. We don't even need the year to remind us what happened on 9/11. It was a day of unspeakable horror, shock, sadness, and anger. And yet, despite the incredible display of human hatred and aggression, we've all heard stories of equally incredible kindness and generosity and cooperation as strangers reached out to help one another. This book is one of those stories. When American airspace was closed that day, there were dozens of planes bound for the United States that were not going to be permitted to enter the country. Our neighbor, Canada, was faced with the dilema of either accepting the flights we were refusing or sending them back. When they decided to accept them, no one knew how long it would take before travellers could continue on to the US. In the case of Gander, Newfoundland, though, people didn't wait to find out. As soon as the decision was made to force US-bound flights to land, the townspeople began preparing for company. Even though it would be hours before passengers were allowed off the planes, shelters were being set up, food was being prepared, and transportation was being arranged for the waylayed travellers. Gander used to be the site of a US military base, and has long been used as a re-fueling stop for trans-Atlantic and military flights. They have the facilities to handle large aircraft and that day they received more than 3 dozen planes in-bound from Europe, carrying more than 6,000 people. The individual stories of how the 10,000 local residents cared for all those strangers - feeding them, giving them bedding and shelter, taking them shopping and sightseeing and drinking, inviting them into their homes for showers and offering their telephones and computers to contact loved ones, and then staying up most of the night watching over sleeping families and doing laundry so that there would be clean towels in the morning - were absolutely heartwarming. Sometimes, with the constant barrage of bad news in the media, it is refreshing to be reminded that people are mostly good. We are giving, caring and generous. It's only too bad that it takes a tragedy to be reminded of that. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 7, 2010

    If I started reading a book about 9/11 and a few pages into it found that an American General, a CEO of an international clothing conglomerate, several members of the board of a wealthy charity, an NYPD detective and parents of a firefighter who is lost in the World Trade Center were stuck in a small Canadian town in the middle of Newfoundland (not to mention a long-lost native son) I would have put the book away with a chuckle and started a new one.Nevertheless, this is not fiction and the events really happen.Even though I really liked the book, and even recommended it to my beloved wife, there are several glaring omissions.First and foremost for me: there is no map.The author goes to great length to describe the geographical region as well as the Gander's street layout (which is supposed to be shaped like the head of a moose) - map?I find this to be unbelievable.Second, the writing seems more like a collection of articles than a finished book. That's fine and it didn't bother me that much but I thought I should mention it.Third, it would be nice to have appendices with a chart of the flights, departure, landings at Gander International Airport, etc.Fourth, I would have liked to see more pictures. Again, this does not take away from the book but would have been a nice addition. There are several pictures in the book but they are small and grainy (much like...a newspaper article).Fifth, where is the tourist info for Newfoundland? Come on guys, capitalize on this book. I've been to your area (but not Gander), it is a beautiful, gorgeous part of the world and true to the book - some of the nicest people in the world live there.However, I still this book high marks because I did thoroughly enjoyed it since it is about the people of Newfoundland and not about the big events happening around them. The only part which took away my personal enjoyment was the first bullet point I mentioned (and yes, I did google the town and found the map but I still can't "see" the moose head layout).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jan 19, 2007

    What can I say about this book ... wow.I cried. I laughed. It was hard to read and yet I flew through it very quickly. I started it yesterday and did not want to put it down.For me, this is the first thing I've really read about 9/11 (or watched for that matter) since it occured. And the book took me back to some really awful moments, but yet, it offers hope and is uplifting to the spirit.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 26, 2006

    If you want inspiration -- to feel hopeful about humankind, this is the book.

Book preview

The Day the World Came to Town - Jim DeFede


This book was originally published in the fall of 2002, in the lead-up to the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Following its publication there was a BBC radio play, The Day the Planes Came, in 2008; a CBC movie, Diverted, in 2009; an extended report by NBC’s Tom Brokaw, during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada; the Tony Award—winning Broadway musical Come from Away in 2017; and the documentary You Are Here in 2018.

In an interview for the re-release of this book, former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, who was in office on September 11, told me the actions of all Canadians, but in particular those in Newfoundland, will long be remembered as one of Canada’s shining moments. The way that the people of Gander acted is a great example of the Canadian spirit, he recalled. And I’m very proud of the way they conducted themselves in Newfoundland.

Chrétien couldn’t help but draw a comparison between that tragic day twenty years ago and the pandemic today that has changed the world in ways we are still trying to comprehend. When I asked him about the legacy of September 11 he noted: We realized that we were part of the global village, as my children used to say: What is happening in one part of the globe is affecting all of us.

Whether it is a novel coronavirus in China, an Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, or a madman in a cave in Afghanistan—we are all part of that village.

And as terrifying as that village may seem, the story surrounding the events in Gander on September 11 offers a way through the fear. Now almost twenty years later, that story resonates more than ever.

Jim DeFede, fall 2021


Where are you going?"

The man sitting next to me was curious, since we’d both been on the same plane from Miami to Montreal, and now, by coincidence, we were sitting next to each other on a connecting flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was early February and he was on his way home after vacationing in the Caribbean.

Gander, Newfoundland, I said.

Because of the lack of a regional accent in my voice, the man could tell Newfoundland was not my home. Why would anybody leave Miami to go to Gander in the middle of winter?

This was certainly a reasonable question. When I had left Miami it was warm and sunny and about eighty-five degrees. The forecast in Gander called for temperatures somewhere around minus ten degrees Fahrenheit, with a windchill of minus thirty.

Don’t get me wrong, amazing people in Newfoundland, he quickly added. I used to live there. Friendliest people you will ever meet. Strangest, too.

The man was a civil engineer and he offered a story as proof. We had a crew that was working in this remote town in the far northern end of the province, he began. The only way to reach this town was by airplane. There were no roads into it at all. And no hotels. So while the crew is working up there, they live with families in the area. The couple they were staying with was really nice, and at the end of the job the company, as a bonus, offered to fly them to Florida for an all-expenses-paid week-long vacation.

The man laughed, recalling what happened next. The couple turns it down, he explained. They say, ‘But we don’t know anyone in Florida, why would we want to go there?’ So we ask them if there is someplace they would rather go instead. And they name this town that was about twenty minutes away by plane. They had friends there they hadn’t seen in a while. And that’s what we did. We flew them to this nearby town, and the couple spent a week with their friends, and then we flew them home again. They said it was the best vacation they had ever been on. That’s the kind of folks Newfies are.

He then added: And you know what happened there on September eleventh?

* * *

There are a few things everyone should know about Newfoundland.

First and foremost is how to pronounce it correctly. Few things are likely to make a native of this province surly faster than mispronouncing their homeland—a fact I was reminded of several times.

Newfoundland is not enunciated as if it were three distinct words, as in New Found Land. Nor is it pronounced as if it were somehow a Scandinavian colony, as in New Finland. Instead it is Newfin-land. The key is to say it very fast. One fellow offered me a simple mnemonic device: Understand Newfoundland. The words rhyme and the cadence is similar.

Over the centuries, Newfoundlanders have developed a style and language distinctively their own, an amalgam of working-class English and Irish, although in lilt and tone it leans a bit more toward the Irish. The people who originally settled here were not wealthy or well educated. They came for the fish. They were from towns along the southern coast of England—Plymouth and Bristol and Poole—and the west coast of Ireland, places like Ballybunion and Waterville and Galway.

Once they decided to stay in Newfoundland, they created their own style of speech that lives to this day, especially in the smaller outpost towns along the coast. It is more Shakespearean than contemporary. Sentences often end with the phrase me dear and me lovely.

Newfoundlanders employ an almost continuous third-person present tense in their speech. A phrase such as I am a fisherman would be I is a fisherman, or since Newfoundlanders contract I is into the single word I’se (which sounds like eyes), the phrase becomes I’se be a fisherman. The contractions are often a product of the speed with which they speak. The smaller the town, the faster the talk. There is even something called the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, a massive and definitive tome, which is now in its second edition and runs 847 pages.

It is also helpful to remember that Newfoundland is in a world of its own. Or at least its own time zone. Newfoundland is precisely one hour and thirty minutes ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time. So when it is 10 A.M. in New York, it is 11:30 A.M. in Gander. When it is noon in Los Angeles, it’s 4:30 P.M. in the provincial capital of St. John’s. No one else in the world is on Newfoundland time other than Newfies. Which, in a way, is appropriate.

Newfoundlanders are fiercely proud of their history and remain independent in their identity as Newfoundlanders first and Canadians second. A part of the British Empire since John Cabot landed there in 1497, Newfoundland only became a part of Canada in 1949. The margin of the popular vote in the referendum to join Canada as its last province was so slim that older Newfoundlanders still question the legitimacy of the election. Even today, many Newfoundlanders believe the central government in Ottawa has robbed them of their natural resources and cheated them out of financial well-being.

Newfoundland has an unemployment rate of more than 16 percent, the highest in Canada. Its timber industry is mostly gone, its mines are quickly becoming empty, and the fishing industry—once the lifeblood of Newfoundland—has been decimated, they believe, by the policies of the central government, which prevents small local fisheries from operating but signs treaties to allow foreign trawlers, with their massive nets, to literally scrape the bottom of the Grand Banks and carry off the province’s bounty.

Newfoundlanders live like a people under siege. Isolated on an island and powerless against the harshness of the weather, they have learned to count on one another for survival. Neighbor to neighbor. It is a mentality that has been fostered over centuries, since the earliest settlers realized the only way to survive in this desolate but beautiful outpost was to work together. Much of their music captures this spirit. One song in particular that Newfoundlanders love is an old tune called There Are No Price Tags on the Doors of Newfoundland.

Raise your glass and drink with me to that island in the sea

Where friendship is a word they understand.

You will never be alone when you’re in a Newfie’s home,

There’s no price tag on the doors in Newfoundland.

There will always be a chair at the table for you there,

They will share what they have with any man.

You don’t have to worry, friend, if your pocketbook is thin,

There’s no price tag on the doors in Newfoundland.

Their willingness to help others is arguably the single most important trait that defines them as Newfoundlanders. Today, it is an identity they cling to, in part, because it is something that cannot be taken away from them.

There is a tale Newfoundlanders are fond of repeating. It is the story of the USS Truxton, an American destroyer, and its supply ship, the Pollux. On February 18, 1942, a violent storm forced the Truxton and the Pollux to run aground beneath the cliffs of the Burin Penisula. Both ships broke apart and 193 sailors drowned. But another 186 sailors were saved when the men from the towns of Lawn and Lawrence, at great peril to themselves, descended the icy cliffs to pull them to safety.

Newfoundlanders are a different breed of people, Gander town constable Oz Fudge told me. A Newfoundlander likes to put his arm around a person and say, ‘It’s going to be all right. I’m here. It’s going to be okay. We’re your friend. We’re your buddy. We’ve got you.’ That’s the way it’s always been. That’s the way it always will be. And that’s the way it was on September eleventh.

* * *

The events of September 11 were historic for many reasons. One of them was that the airspace over the United States was shut down, and every plane in the sky was ordered to land immediately at the nearest available airport.

Get those goddamn planes down, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta shouted into a phone from a bunker under the White House.

By the time Mineta uttered those now well-publicized words, American Airlines Flight 11 had already crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, United Airlines Flight 175 had slammed into the South Tower, and American Airlines Flight 77 had struck the Pentagon. A short time later, a fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, would plow into a field in a rural area southeast of Pittsburgh. The official order to close U.S. airspace had been given by the Federal Aviation Administration at 9:45 A.M. (Eastern Daylight Time).

Mineta’s colorful outburst a few minutes later only added emphasis.

Never before in the ninety-eight-year history of American aviation had such a command been given. There were 4,546 civilian aircraft over the United States at the time, from private Cessnas to jumbo jets, and they all scrambled to find a place to land. Closing airspace had its most disorienting effect, though, on approximately four hundred international flights headed toward the United States, the majority of which were coming across the Atlantic from Europe.

While some of these planes were able to turn around, the only option for most was to land in Canada. Although officials in the United States were certainly justified in wanting to protect their own borders, they were effectively passing the potential threat posed by these planes onto their neighbor. Canadian officials had no way of knowing if any of these flights contained terrorists. In fact, Canadian and American law enforcement suspected there were terrorists lying in wait on some of these flights. Despite the risk, Canada didn’t hesitate to accept the orphaned planes.

More than 250 aircraft, carrying 43,895 people, were diverted to fifteen Canadian airports from Vancouver in the west to St. John’s in the east. American-bound planes were forced to land in Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, and Calgary. In each of these cities an army of volunteers and social service agencies came together to help the stranded passengers in any way possible—from offering them a place to stay or a change of clothes to cooking them meals and taking them sightseeing.

Countless stories could be written about the kindness shown in any of these cities. The focus of this book, however, and the purpose for my unseasonable trip this past winter, is Gander, located in the central highlands of Newfoundland. Thirty-eight planes landed there on September 11, depositing 6,595 passengers and crew members in a town whose population is barely 10,000.

For the better part of a week, nearly every man, woman, and child in Gander and the surrounding smaller towns—places with names like Gambo and Appleton and Lewisporte and Norris Arm—stopped what they were doing so they could help. They placed their lives on hold for a group of strangers and asked for nothing in return. They affirmed the basic goodness of man at a time when it was easy to doubt such humanity still existed. If the terrorists had hoped their attacks would reveal the weaknesses in western society, the events in Gander proved its strength.

Day One


September 11

Chapter One

Clark, Roxanne, and Alexandria Loper, Moscow, September 10, 2001.

Courtesy of Roxanne Loper

Roxanne and Clark Loper were homeward bound.

Nearly three weeks had passed since they left their ranch outside the small Texas town of Alto and embarked on a journey to adopt a two-year-old girl in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan. It was a journey more than fifteen months in the planning and saw the young couple race through airports, bounce along bumpy roads, and wind their way across the Ural Mountains. They dealt with bureaucrats in three different countries and spent their life savings, all for the sake of a child whose picture Roxanne had seen one day on the Internet. Every minute, every dollar, was worth it, though, because now they had Alexandria, and by dinnertime they’d be home.

Over the last seventy-two hours, the three of them had flown from Kazakhstan to Moscow to Frankfurt and were now on the final leg of their trip, a direct flight from Frankfurt to Dallas. They all felt as if they hadn’t slept in days. Shortly after takeoff, Alexandria climbed out of her seat and curled up on the floor to take a nap. Roxanne thought about picking her up and strapping her back into her seat, but she knew Alexandria liked sleeping on the floor. She felt comfortable there. It was something the child had grown accustomed to in the orphanage.

As the Lopers’ plane, Lufthansa Flight 438, proceeded northwest out of Frankfurt and climbed to above 30,000 feet, Lufthansa Flight 400 began preboarding its first-class passengers. Settling into her seat, Frankfurt mayor Petra Roth was excited about her trip to New York. That night there would be a party in honor of New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Roth and Giuliani had become friends during official visits to each other’s city, and Roth was happy to travel the 4,000 miles to pay her respects to the outgoing mayor.

Sitting near Roth was Werner Baldessarini, the chairman of Hugo Boss, who was flying to New York from the company’s corporate headquarters in Germany for Fashion Week—an eight-day spectacle of clothes and models in which more than one hundred of the world’s top designers show their latest wares in giant tents and on improvised runways. A good show at Fashion Week can guarantee the success of a manufacturer’s collection. On Thursday evening, Baldessarini would premier Hugo Boss’s Spring 2002 line at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan. In addition to the financial implications of having a good show, this event was also important to Baldessarini for personal reasons. After twenty-seven years with Hugo Boss, he had made up his mind to retire in 2002. The news hadn’t been leaked publicly, but this would be one of his last shows and he wanted it to be a success.

While a flight attendant offered Roth and Baldessarini a glass of champagne before takeoff in Frankfurt, a few hundred miles away in Dublin, George Vitale was taking his seat in coach aboard Continental Flight 23. As one of the people responsible for protecting New York governor George Pataki on a day-to-day basis, Vitale had flown to Ireland in early September to make advance security arrangements for the governor’s visit there later that month. Unfortunately, a fresh round of violence in Northern Ireland caused the governor to abruptly cancel his trip, and the New York State trooper was told to come home.

If he had wanted to, Vitale could have stayed in Ireland to see friends and family. The forty-three-year-old is half Irish and he’s made several trips over the years to the Emerald Isle. This wasn’t a good time for a vacation, however. He had a number of responsibilities waiting for him at home in Brooklyn. In addition to being a senior investigator with the state police, Vitale was also taking night classes toward a degree in education. Assuming everything went smoothly, he’d be home in time for his class at Brooklyn College.

An hour after Vitale’s flight ascended into the sky, Hannah O’Rourke stood outside the boarding area for Aer Lingus Flight 105 and cried as she hugged brothers and sisters good-bye. The sixty-six-year-old O’Rourke was born in Ireland’s County Monaghan, about forty miles north of Dublin, but had emigrated to the United States nearly fifty years ago. She made a good life for herself in America. Along with her husband, Dennis, she raised three children and now lived on Long Island.

In recent years, she’d returned to Ireland as often as possible to see her family. This time around, she spent three weeks in the countryside with her husband. She hated saying good-bye to her kin, but her family in America was eager for her to come home. Waiting to board the plane, O’Rourke dreaded the flight back. It was no secret she hated flying, especially over water.

The scene was no less emotional for fellow passenger Maria O’Driscoll. Although the two women didn’t know each other, the seventy-year-old O’Driscoll was born in County Louth, a stone’s throw from O’Rourke’s birthplace. O’Driscoll had come to the United States when she was a young woman. Her reason was simple: I fell in love with a Yank. That was back in 1954.

Standing alongside her at the airport in Dublin was her husband, Lenny.

Lenny O’Driscoll wasn’t the Yank that prompted Maria to move to America. That fellow, Maria’s first husband, died in 1987. When Lenny met Maria a short time later, he, too, had lost a spouse. They married in 1993, and since then, they had been over to Ireland almost every year.

The occasion for this trip—not that they ever needed one—was the wedding of Maria’s niece. Of her six brothers and sisters, Maria had been the only one to come to America. They all stayed in the Irish Sea town of Dundalk.

Lenny’s ancestors were Irish, but he was born in Newfoundland, so the good-byes every year at the end of their trip weren’t as painful to him as they were to Maria. He knew she would be sad and quiet on the flight home. There must be a way to cheer her up, he thought. He decided he’d think it over as soon as the plane took off.

* * *

How aboot this weather?"



Cold’s gonna come soon, buddy.

And the snow.

Ay, she’s gotta come sometime.

Inside the local coffee shop, the unseasonably warm weather was all anyone could talk about, including Gander mayor Claude Elliott. Since becoming mayor in 1996, Elliott liked to start each morning at Tim Horton’s, the Canadian equivalent of Starbucks. Elliott rode to political power on the strength of a snowmobile—or, as they are more commonly referred to in Gander, a Ski-doo. In 1989, members of the town council wanted to ban Ski-doos from operating inside the city limits. Elliott helped lead an uprising against the ban, and in 1990 he was elected to the town council.

Like any small-town mayor, Elliott knew how important it was to keep in touch with what folks were talking about. On this day it was the weather. This was the warmest September anyone could recall in a decade. Temperatures were around twenty-one degrees Celsius, about seventy degrees Fahrenheit.

The local economy was another coffee-klatch topic. The unemployment rate in Gander wasn’t as high as on the rest of the island, but people were still looking for new ways to stimulate business. They’d certainly had their boondoggles. A few years before, they attempted to turn Gander into ski resort, a project that had ultimately failed.

After an hour or so at the coffeehouse, the mayor headed over to town hall.

Meanwhile, Oz Fudge was making the morning rounds in his patrol car. One of only two town constables in Gander, Fudge used to be with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. That was more than twenty years ago. For the last fifteen years, the forty-seven-year-old has worked exclusively for the town.


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