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Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership II
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership II
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership II
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership II

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This updated edition of management guru Ken Blanchard’s classic work Leadership and the One Minute Manager® teaches leaders the world renowned method of developing self-reliance in those they manage: Situational Leadership® II.

From Leadership and the One Minute Manager® you’ll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support, or direct is critical; and how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person.

By consistently using Situational Leadership® II’s proven model and powerful techniques, leaders can develop and retain competent, committed employees. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to personalized leadership that elicits the best performance from your staff—and the best bottom line for any business.

Release dateOct 15, 2013
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership II

Ken Blanchard

Ken Blanchard is the founder and Chairman of The Ken Blanchard Companies. His One Minute Manager series has sold over 18 million copies and been translated into more than 25 languages. He has also written or co-authored numerous other books, including Gung Ho!, Big Bucks! and Raving Fans.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great insight on how to lead ppl effectively ! Loved it
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another good book by Ken Blanchard. I have read several of his books and they are all good.

Book preview

Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed - Ken Blanchard


The Symbol


A Visit from an Entrepreneur

Being Successful

Thinking Differently About Leadership

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Leadership Style: Perceptions of Others

Three Skills of an SLII® Leader

Managing the Performance of Others

Goal Setting

Diagnosing Development Level

Leadership Style Flexibility

The Four Basic Leadership Styles

Matching Leadership Style to Development Level

Think Before You Act

Different Strokes for the Same Folks

Developing Competence and Commitment

Turning Around Performance Problems

Sharing What You’re Doing

Understanding the Six Conversations

Positive Assumptions About People

Becoming an SLII® Leader


Excerpt from The New One Minute Manager

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

About the Authors

Services Available

Also by Ken Blanchard


About the Publisher

The Symbol

The One Minute Manager’s symbol—a one-minute readout from the face of a digital watch—is intended to remind each of us to take a minute out of our day to look into the faces of the people we lead. And to realize that they are our most importance resource.


In the early 1980s my coauthors, Pat and Drea Zigarmi, and I, together with the other founding associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies, made a number of changes to the original Situational Leadership®* model that I developed with Paul Hersey in the late 1960s.

The changes reflected our own experience, the ideas managers shared with us, and the findings of research we’d been conducting. The result was a new leadership model, which we call SLII®.

The SLII® approach to leading and developing people is practical, easy to understand, and easy to apply. It has been taught over the last forty years to leaders at all levels of most Fortune 1000 companies, as well as to leaders in fast-growing entrepreneurial organizations throughout the world.

This new, updated edition of Leadership and the One Minute Manager reflects our latest thinking about SLII®. Written as a parable, it tells the story of an overworked entrepreneur who learns from the One Minute Manager how to get the most out of a diverse team by becoming an SLII® leader.

Pat, Drea, and I hope this will be a book you will read and reread until being an SLII® leader becomes second nature to you in your leadership roles at work, in your home, and in the community.

—KEN BLANCHARD, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level

*Situational Leadership® is a registered trademark of Leadership Studies, Inc., dba The Center for Leadership Studies.

A Visit from an Entrepreneur

THE One Minute Manager got a call one day from a woman who said she was an entrepreneur. He was glad to hear from her, because he always enjoyed talking to people who had the courage to start their own businesses.

The entrepreneur explained that she was having a hard time finding people who were willing to work as hard as she was.

I feel I have to do everything myself. I can’t count on anyone to take on some of the things that need to be done, said the entrepreneur.

What you have to do, said the One Minute Manager, is learn to delegate.

But my people are not ready, said the entrepreneur.

Then you need to train them, said the One Minute Manager.

But I don’t have time, said the entrepreneur.

If that’s the case, said the One Minute Manager with a grin, you do have a problem. Why don’t you come over this afternoon and we’ll have a talk.

Being Successful

WHEN the entrepreneur arrived at the One Minute Manager’s office that afternoon, she found him talking to his assistant at her desk.

I appreciate your willingness to meet with me, said the entrepreneur as she joined the One Minute Manager in his office.

It’s my pleasure, said the One Minute Manager. I’ve heard that you have been very successful in a number of ventures. What do you think it takes to be successful?

It’s really quite easy, the entrepreneur said with a smile. All you have to do is work half a day. You can work either the first twelve hours or the second twelve hours.

After he’d had a good laugh, the One Minute Manager said, While I think the amount of time and effort you put into work is important, I’m afraid too many people think there is a direct relationship between the amount of work they do and success—the more time they put in, the more successful they will be.

I thought you would say that, said the entrepreneur. "In fact, I understand one of your favorite quotes is:








Absolutely, said the One Minute Manager. But before talking about my thoughts on working smarter, let me ask you one more question.

Ask away, said the entrepreneur.

You call yourself an entrepreneur, said the One Minute Manager. "What does that mean to


The entrepreneur smiled and said, "A friend of mine described beautifully what it means to be an entrepreneur. He told me he once took his senior vice president to the top of a hill that overlooked the city. It was a beautiful view.

"He said to his vice president, ‘Do you see that ridge down there? Wouldn’t that be a great place to build a house?’

"‘It sure would be,’ said his vice president.

"‘Can you imagine a pool over to the right? Wouldn’t that be something?’ continued my friend.

"‘Just tremendous,’ said the vice president.

"‘How about a tennis court to the left?’ said my friend.

"‘What a setting,’ said the vice president.

‘Let me tell you one thing,’ said my friend. ‘If you continue to work as hard as you have and accomplish all the goals we have set, I guarantee that someday—someday, all of that will be mine.’

That’s funny, said the One Minute Manager with a big smile on his face. But I think that story illustrates some of your problems with managing and motivating others.

What do you mean? asked the entrepreneur.

Thinking Differently About Leadership

"LET me explain it this way, said the One Minute Manager. I would imagine your organization looks like a pyramid with you, as the CEO, at the top and all your individual contributors at the bottom. In between are several levels of management."

That’s the way it’s organized, said the entrepreneur. Is there something wrong with a pyramidal organization?

No, said the One Minute Manager. There is nothing wrong with it as an organizational chart. The trouble comes when you think and operate with a traditional top-down philosophy.

I don’t think I follow you, said the entrepreneur.

When you think with a top-down pyramid philosophy, said the One Minute Manager, "the assumption is that everyone works for the person above them on the organizational ladder. As a result, managers are thought to be ‘responsible’ for planning, organizing, and evaluating everything that happens in the organization, while their people are supposed to be ‘responsive to the directives of management.’ That’s why people like you end up thinking managers do

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