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Be Skillful (Proverbs): God's Guidebook to Wise Living
Be Skillful (Proverbs): God's Guidebook to Wise Living
Be Skillful (Proverbs): God's Guidebook to Wise Living
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Be Skillful (Proverbs): God's Guidebook to Wise Living

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Our world yearns for how-to guides and the secret to a fulfilled life. However, no truth is man-made. The wisdom that God granted to King Solomon is the same wisdom that would benefit us today—if only we would seek it.

The book of Proverbs offers principles to develop godly character daily. From the dangers of speaking without listening to the satisfaction inherent in fearing the Lord, author Warren Wiersbe will unpack the Scriptures in ways that will help you apply these spiritual truths.

Having pastored three churches, Wiersbe is a man who has dedicated his life to a deep understanding of the Word. Allow the insight he's gained over the years to penetrate your heart. Soon, wisdom will be your companion, and folly your sworn enemy.

PublisherDavid C Cook
Release dateJul 1, 2010
Be Skillful (Proverbs): God's Guidebook to Wise Living

Warren W. Wiersbe

Warren W. Wiersbe, former pastor of the Moody Church and general director of Back to the Bible, has traveled widely as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. Because of his encouragement to those in ministry, Dr. Wiersbe is often referred to as "the pastor’s pastor." He has ministered in churches and conferences throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Central and South America, and Europe. Dr. Wiersbe has written over 150 books, including the popular BE series of commentaries on every book of the Bible, which has sold more than four million copies. At the 2002 Christian Booksellers Convention, he was awarded the Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Dr. Wiersbe and his wife, Betty, live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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    Be Skillful (Proverbs) - Warren W. Wiersbe

    Cover of Be Skillful by Warren W. Wiersbe


    Published by David C Cook

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    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. (Public Domain.) Scripture quotations marked


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    are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved;


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    Library of Congress Control Number 2008937434

    ISBN 978-1-4347-6733-2

    eISBN 978-0-7814-0538-6

    © 1995 Warren W. Wiersbe

    First edition of Be Skillful by Warren W. Wiersbe published by Victor Books®

    in 1995 © Warren W. Wiersbe, ISBN 978-1-56476-430-0

    The Team: Karen Lee-Thorp, Amy Kiechlin, Jack Campbell, and Susan Vannaman

    Series Cover Design: John Hamilton Design

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    The Big Idea: An Introduction to Be Skillful by Ken Baugh

    A Word from the Author

    1. Don’t Just Make a Living, Make a Life! (Introduction to the Book of Proverbs)

    2. Is Anybody Listening? (Proverbs 1:7–33; 8—9)

    3. The Path of Wisdom and Life (Proverbs 2—4)

    4. The Path of Folly and Death (Proverbs 5—7)


    5. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part I (The Wise and the Wicked)

    6. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part II (The Simple, Scorner, and Fool)

    7. Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief

    8. Family, Friends, and Neighbors

    9. A Matter of Life or Death (Human Speech)

    10. Make Way for the Righteous!

    11. Enjoying God’s Guidance

    12. Popular Sins (Drunkenness, Disrespect, Illusion, Greed, Pride)

    13. This God Is Our God


    The Big Idea

    An Introduction to Be Skillful

    by Ken Baugh

    King Solomon was the wisest man who had ever lived. He asked God for a discerning heart and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and God granted his request (1 Kings 3:9, 12 niv). Not only that, but the Lord was so pleased with Solomon’s request that he also gave him riches and honor (v. 13 niv)—so much so that during his lifetime, Solomon had no equal.

    One would think that the king who had everything—all the riches and fame one could possibly imagine—would be on top of the world all the time. Yet when you read his outlook on life recorded in the book of Ecclesiastes, you get a very different picture. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun (Eccl. 2:11 niv). Wow. How could a man who had everything come to such a place of despair? What happened to him? I mean, the first twenty years of Solomon’s reign were amazing. He had peace on every side of his kingdom, God blessed him with wisdom and wealth beyond any king of his day, he completed the temple that David his father instructed him to build, he designed and built for himself a magnificent palace, and he had an incredible amount of money—an annual income equivalent to $328 million in our day. And in addition to all of this, Solomon had the respect and admiration of the entire world! So how did a guy who had all of this fall into the pit of despair? I believe the answer is that Solomon didn’t obey the Lord; he knew God’s Word but did not apply it to his life.

    I think there is a formula to wisdom: wisdom = knowledge + obedience. Solomon had all the knowledge; he always knew what God wanted him to do. He just didn’t do it. There’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing the right thing to do; wisdom is actually doing it. That’s why I think the Big Idea that runs throughout the book of Proverbs is not just getting more and more knowledge—instead, it’s choosing to apply that knowledge in ways that honor and please the Lord. True wisdom is seen through an obedient life.

    Solomon knew what he needed to do to please the Lord because God had given him a wise and discerning heart (1 Kings 3:12 niv), but he chose not to obey. That’s the difference between a foolish person and a wise person. Fools just blow off what they know they should do, but a wise person turns knowledge into action. James says the same thing: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says(James 1:22 niv). Frankly, I think Solomon should have asked the Lord not only for wisdom but also for the desire to be obedient. Let’s take a quick survey of Solomon’s life and try to discover where he went wrong so that we can avoid making the same mistakes. As I have studied Solomon’s life, I have discovered three specific sins that led to his demise.

    Solomon’s first sin was that he did not trust in the protection of the Lord. God forbade the kings of Israel from accumulating horses and chariots because those could lead a king away from trusting solely in the Lord as his protector: The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself or make the people return to Egypt to get more of them (Deut. 17:16 niv). But Solomon disobeyed the Lord. The Bible tells us that Solomon had four thousand stalls for chariot horses, and twelve thousand horses (1 Kings 4:26 niv). Instead of trusting in the Lord to protect him and his kingdom, Solomon put his trust in himself and his army.

    Solomon’s second sin was that he did not trust in the promise of the Lord. Solomon built up a large number of fortified cities, such as Gezer, around Jerusalem as major defensive outposts to defend against any Philistine attack. He also fortified Hazor north of Jerusalem to protect the city from northern invaders. And he fortified Megiddo in order to protect a major trade route that connected the Plain of Sharon and the seacoast to the valley of Jezreel. In addition, according to 1 Kings 9:16–17, Solomon fortified a number of other important cities. So as you can see, Solomon was building a defensive perimeter around his kingdom to protect the city of Jerusalem and all his interests. Now, here is the ironic thing: Solomon had no enemies, because God had promised his father David that during the reign of his son there would be peace. But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign (1 Chron. 22:9 niv). God had promised peace during Solomon’s reign, so why did Solomon feel the need to fortify cities around his kingdom? Simply put, it was because he did not trust in the promise of the Lord.

    Solomon’s third sin was that he did not trust in the provision of the Lord. Again, the Lord forbade the kings of Israel from marrying foreign women and from amassing large amounts of wealth (see Deut. 17:17), but Solomon ignored these instructions too. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines (1 Kings 11:3 niv). Having wives of royal birth was Solomon’s way of creating alliances with all the other nations around him in order to secure the peace, and the three hundred concubines make it clear that Solomon was a ladies’ man. He was also incredibly wealthy, and according to Ecclesiastes 2:8 he said, I amassed silver and gold for myself (niv). Again, Solomon did exactly the opposite of what the Lord instructed him to do as the king. He [the king] must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold (Deut. 17:17 niv).

    Now, you tell me—are these the actions of a wise man who is applying his knowledge to a lifestyle of obedience that brings honor to the Lord, or are these the actions of a man who is foolishly trusting in himself? Suffice to say, Solomon did not practice what he preached; he did not apply his knowledge to a lifestyle of obedience, and as such, he suffered the consequences. But we can learn from Solomon’s example; we can practice what he preached in the Proverbs and learn from his mistakes.

    I hope you will. I hope as you read through Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary on Proverbs, you will keep the story of Solomon and his failures in the back of your mind and decide to live differently. Every one of us who calls Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior can be wise if we choose to obey the Word of the Lord instead of ignoring it like King Solomon. Remember, true wisdom is composed of equal amounts of knowledge and obedience.


    Dr. Wiersbe’s commentaries have been a source of guidance and strength to me over the many years that I have been a pastor. His unique style is not overly academic, but theologically sound. He explains the deep truths of Scripture in a way that everyone can understand and apply. Whether you’re a Bible scholar or a brand-new believer in Christ, you will benefit, as I have, from Warren’s insights. With your Bible in one hand and Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary in the other, you will be able to accurately unpack the deep truths of God’s Word and learn how to apply them to your life.

    Drink deeply, my friend, of the truths of God’s Word, for in them you will find Jesus Christ, and there is freedom, peace, assurance, and joy.

    —Ken Baugh

    Pastor of Coast Hills Community Church

    Aliso Viejo, California

    A Word from the Author

    Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? asked the late British poet T. S. Eliot. Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? ¹

    We are living in the information age, but we certainly are not living in the age of wisdom. Many people who are wizards with their computers seem to be amateurs when it comes to making a success out of their lives. Computers can store data and obey signals, but they cannot give us the ability to use that knowledge wisely. What’s needed today is wisdom.

    The book of Proverbs is about godly wisdom, how to get it and how to use it. It’s about priorities and principles, not get-rich-quick schemes or success formulas. It tells you not how to make a living but how to be skillful in the lost art of making a life.

    As you read, please keep your Bible before you and look up the many Bible references in these chapters. To skip over them is to miss some important truth; after all, what God has written is far more important than what I write! Also, read the notes section. There’s a good deal of helpful material in them that I couldn’t include in the text. I don't want you to miss it.

    As never before, the church desperately needs people who understand and practice the skills involved in building a godly life. May you and I be among them!

    —Warren W. Wiersbe

    A Suggested Outline of the Book of Proverbs

    Theme: The wise fear the Lord

    Key verse: Proverbs 1:7


    I. Wisdom’s Calls (Proverbs 1:20—9:18)

    1. Wisdom calls (Proverbs 1:20—4:27; 8—9)

    First call: to salvation (Proverbs 1:20—4:27)

    Second call: to wealth (Proverbs 8)

    Third call: to life (Proverbs 9)

    2. Folly calls (Proverbs 5—7)

    First call: to condemnation (Proverbs 5)

    Second call: to poverty (Proverbs 6)

    Third call: to death (Proverbs 7)

    II. Wisdom’s Contrasts (Proverbs 10—15)

    III. Wisdom’s Counsels (Proverbs 16—31)

    Chapter One

    Don’t Just Make

    a Living,

    Make a Life!

    (Introduction to the Book of Proverbs)

    My wife, Betty, is the navigator in our household. For more than forty years, I’ve depended on her to plan our ministry trips and our occasional holidays and to direct me when I’m driving. She knows that I don’t have a good sense of direction and have even been known to get lost just a few miles from home. But the Lord gave her built-in radar, and I’ve learned to trust her, whether we’re in the big city, the African bush, or the English countryside.

    I need a similar spiritual radar to guide me when I’m embarking on a study journey through a book of the Bible. That radar is provided by the Holy Spirit, who guides us into God’s truth (John 16:13) and, if we let Him, keeps us from going on unprofitable detours. But if I begin my journey by answering some basic questions about the book I’m studying, the Holy Spirit will find me better prepared for His teaching ministry. The questions I ask myself are …

    (1) What is the major theme of the book?

    (2) Who wrote the book and how is it written?

    (3) What is the key verse that helps unlock the message of the book?

    (4) What does this book say about Jesus Christ?

    (5) What must I do to get the most out of this book?

    Let’s get prepared for our pilgrimage through Proverbs by answering these five questions.

    1. What Is the Major Theme of the Book of Proverbs?

    One word answers the question: wisdom. In Proverbs, the words wise and wisdom are used at least 125 times, because the aim of the book is to help us acquire and apply God’s wisdom to the decisions and activities of daily life.

    The book of Proverbs belongs to what scholars call the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, which also includes Job and Ecclesiastes. ¹ The writers of these books wrestled with some of the most difficult questions of life as they sought to understand life’s problems from God’s point of view. After all, just because you’re a believer and you walk by faith, it doesn’t mean you put your mind on the shelf and stop thinking. The Lord expects us to apply ourselves intellectually and do some serious thinking as we study His Word. We should love the Lord with our minds as well as with our hearts and souls (Matt. 22:37).

    Wisdom was an important commodity in the ancient Near East; every ruler had his council of wise men whom he consulted when making important decisions. Joseph was considered a wise man in Egypt, and Daniel and his friends were honored for their wisdom while serving in Babylon. God wants His children today to walk circumspectly [carefully], not as fools but as wise (Eph. 5:15 nkjv). Understanding the book of Proverbs can help us do that. It isn’t enough simply to be educated and have knowledge, as important as education is. We also need wisdom, which is the ability to use knowledge. Wise men and women have the competence to grasp the meaning of a situation and understand what to do and how to do it in the right way at the right time.

    To the ancient Jew, wisdom was much more than simply good advice or successful planning. I like Dr. Roy Zuck’s definition: Wisdom means being skillful and successful in one’s relationships and responsibilities … observing and following the Creator’s principles of order in the moral universe. ² In that definition you find most of the important elements of biblical wisdom, the kind of wisdom we can learn from the book of Proverbs.

    Biblical wisdom begins with a right relationship with the Lord. The wise person believes that there is a God, that He is the Creator and Ruler of all things, and that He has put within His creation a divine order that, if obeyed, leads ultimately to success. Wise people also assert that there is a moral law operating in this world, a principle of divine justice that makes sure that eventually the wicked are judged and the righteous are rewarded. Biblical wisdom has little if any relationship to a person’s IQ or education, because it is a matter of moral and spiritual understanding. It has to do with character and values; it means looking at the world through the grid of God’s truth.

    In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for wise (hakam) is used to describe people skillful in working with their hands, such as the artisans who helped build the tabernacle (Ex. 28:3; 35:30—36:2) and Solomon’s temple (1 Chron. 22:15). Wisdom isn’t something theoretical, it’s something very practical that affects every area of life.

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